Tree of Savior Forum


There has been like 200 threads and posts about how homunculus is garbage and is so sad to make one it should be considered a crime to own one…

or how the devs haven’t mention the poor thing once since they throw it on the game at the start of rank 8 or how Staff never seems to be around when people talk about homunculus…

Let cut to the chase or the end of it :confused: , yes the title is weird but you clicked didn’t you…


  1. Remove Expiration from the homuculus: Everyone knows making a homunculus takes time and sure when it sucks you want it dead, but why make it expire, just add a remove homuculus button on it U.I so people can chose when to get rid of it and a return to stone for when you need to go solo…

  2. Make the Stone a permanent item: I know the problems this can create, but read me out…
    making them can be a pain and sure it would overflow the world with OP homunculus, but…
    Make the Alchemist stone permanent and have it go into cooldowns, how you ask well…

  3. Homunculus Must Die: Make the homunculus HP matter, have it so every time the homunculus hp hit 0 the homunculus go back into it stone and you would have to wait for it CD to end to use it again. That would prevent mindless use of the homunculus…

  4. Skill, Class and stone: Let other classes add skills to their homunculus, you know what a swordsman can do right now with an alchemist stone?_? I don’t know am really asking…
    Why not let owner of the stone be able to put the 4 skills before summoning it homunculus…

  5. Skill Galore: The amount of skills a homunculus can use is pathetic we all know that and half of them border on "“WHY THE ■■■■ I WOULD EVEN ADD IT”, let homunculus learn only 4 of all of it master skills up to rank 8. That would keep the restriction and give the one using the stone more choices

  6. NO PVP: Homunculus needs to stay a PVE creature only, cry me a river pvp crowd but if we want homunculus to be great sacrifices that aren’t stupid must be made and you don’t want people crying about op homunculus and having it nerfed to the ground worse than it is do you (if that’s even possible)…

  7. Homunculus UI Quality of Life: We need a way to see the homunculus skills cooldown and a way to make the homunculus attack at our will (make it so we can click on it and it uses a random skill each click unless they all are in CD) instead of waiting for AI to maybe thing it might maaaaybe use a skill now…

  8. More Homunculus: I love my little naked girl, but not everyone does I accept that, so having more homunculus visual types would be nice for all collectors and non-perverts :smile:
    Only 1 homunculus stone can be used at a time to limit people with more than 1 stone of course, sorry it breaks my heart, but it must be done…

@sa_chan Suggestion: Making it so that each one of it’s skills had a different cooldown would improve it. At the moment there’s no real reason to add anything other than Join Penalty, if you add anything else, it’ll waste the 1 skill per 15 seconds on a single enemy and do horrible damage.

@Spaceneko Suggestion: Make it work like omyoji’s fox , using skills every few sec instead of AA

@alcheark Suggestion: make new class or hidden class just for homunculus style base

I will keep adding if I come up with more and will add all the suggestions you guys post aka am gonna steal your ideas and paste them here :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

I want to see representation from the staff @Staff_yuri isn’t the only staff member left is it?_?

also, would love to know the devs thoughts and opinions on this topic < I know a long shot but hey…


i find these suggestions to be reasonable Owo if dat’s the case it makes me want to do a pokemon master build made from sorc necro alch and onmyo Owo

i think they will improve this, but the question is when. as you can see there’s not much focus on this aspect of the game, i’m sure devs are cooking something with regards to this Owo

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I know devs and staff in general are prob working hard, but like always…

Silence says a lot when no one is talking…

I feel like a simple “yeah we are working on that” or “yeah! dev know and are looking into it”

come a longer way than most people think…

Well, homunculus is bound by magnum opus and it’s one of those skills no one really uses now since there are no new items we need to get from it. They could’ve increased the level of magnus opus with each new rank update increasing the number of item/hat recipes and possibly homunculus you could make. Make it so you get a homunculus recipe each level after lv6 and make them differ with what skills it could learn and stats like a high cd type that learns rank 8+ skills, a summoner type that can use necro or sorc skills, and maybe a low cd glass cannon type.

But I guess it might be too much work for one class.

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I agree with all but the last part, I think dividing the homunculus by skill and stat would be a ok thing, but in the implementation it can go so wrong I cant even start listing the problems…

it will also make people go for only X homunculus cause it has best stats and skills pack meta that happens on every game where this is a thing…

@STAFF_Ines @STAFF_Amy @STAFF_Bob @STAFF_Letitia @STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_Yuri @STAFF_NO @GM_Francis @GM_Sebastian

more interesting imc make new class or hidden class just for homunculus style base

Can I add

to the suggestions list?_?

If anyone else has more suggestions don’t be shy about posting them and discussing the pros and con of the ones already listed…

sure mate, everybody have suggestion will improve more to our homunculus base

making it permanent as you’ve already stated, might have too many implications, maybe just increase its lifetime to 1 month for example so we can farm homonculus material while filling up monthly adv journal

about the skin, imo its very interesting idea :wink:
maybe different type of homonculus based on elements by using cards like sorcerer system
card is placed when setting skill, consumed on use but not affected by * so we can use *1 cards
for example, firelord card is used for fire skin, varle king for water skin, netherbovine for darkness skin, etc

I think collecting the items isn’t the worst part of it and I feel like it would work fine been permanent like in any other game…

That been said the fact that you are forced into been an alchemist to use them ruins the point of the stone been tradeable and marketable…

is prob one of the main reasons why you don’t see many around too…