Tree of Savior Forum

Squire? Me thinks we should change the name

The Squire , in real life can mean many things but let’s stick with the context of the character class in-game

  1. In one definition it’s : a man of high social standing who owns and lives on an estate in a rural area, especially the chief landowner in such an area.

  2. The other definition is : a young nobleman acting as an attendant to a knight before becoming a knight himself.

Now the first definition could tie itself with the Squire in-game as the guy who owns the Base camp you guys will be using, but I don’t think a “noble” would be doing menial work such as building the camp himself or repairing other people’s armor.

Which would probably fall under the definition of the 2nd, which is basically an attendant for a Knight, a glorified gopher. But again it contradicts this in-game. I mean we Squire is relatively high on the swordie tree, and I’m sure by the time we reach a “Squire” we’d already be at the level of a Knight, heck the Squire is in the same circle as the mounted class, which is pretty much a Cavalry Knight.

So I propose this , why not change the name of the class to Quartermaster,
by definition it is

“a military officer responsible for providing quarters, rations, clothing, and other supplies.”

Which fits the in-game Squire’s services. an “Officer” who’s responsible for quarters and rations (base camp, food) , Clothing and Other Supplies (Repair of weapons and armor also storage.)

For me a Quartermaster would be a better name for the so-called Squire.
What do you guys think?


A fitting change, though a minor one.


To someone with OCD like me who overthinks everything , a minor issue can physically hurt xD

A Squire more than often stayed way back at the battlefield and did the “less honorable” bow shooting.
A squire didn’t need to be noble either. Just capable. You’re almost making Squire into a Vassal.

From military perspective it’s pretty accurate.

Quartermaster I think fit’s as well as he’s heavily armored and less lethal , he’s definitely the type to hang back a bit to protect and set traps.

Funny you should say that , the way I did my Build for Squire in the Simulator is basically a tank xD

Agreed, “Squire” fits this class rather poorly.
Quartermaster while doesn’t have the same air of nobility, at least properly represents the class functions.

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It also bothers me that in Final Fantasy Tactics, Squire was the first class you get , essentially the “Novice” Class

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Yeah , some knights employed squires as young as 14 yrs of age, the only more novice title was Page and that was given to children as young as 7.

I like Quartermaster a lot more.

I was thinking the same thing, “why do I have to level all these times to just become a squire?”

Well, for Ramza, he was a noble, right? Also for generic Squires, they could be from noble families too.

chage to Man at arm!

As I said a Kinght does not need to be noble-born , take Delita .

Ye guys are mixing it up with “Lords”.

Change to Wandering Blacksmith!

But isn’t a Man at Arms a Heavily Armored Cavalryman ?

Squires are a knight’s errand runner or servant and sometimes makes it to be the Knight’s trainees/apprentices.The class name suits it because he forges,repairs and also has minimum combat skills.

@Loztchild I understand your perspective and others as well. Where the idea Quartermaster comes into play: I reach class rank 5. A squire gives the preconceived notion of a novice role, where as Quartermaster reflects expertise and season.

Squires = Errand boys

Squires in tos have chore skills. They have repair, they build camps and make food.
A pretty fitting name for a class that has 5/6 off-battle skills.

It’s not a perspective ZackTrapia it’s a fact,look up squire in the real world you will see what squire are.People can argue that this a game and not real life but where do you think people get most of their ideas to make games.In brief squire suits it role in TOS because that’s what squires actually did in the medieval times.

Squires would often act as errand boys for the Knight they were serving. They would polish his armour/weapons, handle the knight’s personal supplies/horse and even sent up his tent if the army was deployed in the field or marching.

I think Squire is pretty accurate, although i’m sad there’s no Knight that has a [Discipline Squire] skill where you kick your Squire up the backside to give him a speed boost.


this is totally off topic but wanna play hearthstone sometimes? lol

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