Tree of Savior Forum

Squire: Base Camp disappears

is there some kind of expiration besides the base camp duration that if i didn’t login after a few hours, it disappears?

Please fill in as much as you can :

Date range: Within july 30 to aug 6.

Server Name: telsiai

Bug Description :
My squire is at base camp lvl 1. i’ve renewed the duration to keep it up at least for more than day. after i wake up and login, the base camp is gone. my repair shop is on the same map and is still up, so i don’t think the channel went down. in all instances, i’ve also setup refreshments table.

Case scenario 1 (expected behavior): base camp confirmed to go past initial duration if renewed.
Basically, I’m just saying that the renew duration at least works to keep it up beyond the duration at level 1. The most time I could confirm it to be up is somewhere between 15-20 hrs.

Case scenario 2 (expected behavior): base camp expired.
I can confirm that I forgot to renew my camp and exceeded the duration the first few times and thus it disappeared. Creating a new base camp DOES NOT trigger a popup dialog that says something like, “Doing this will delete existing base camp…blah”.

Case scenario 3 (bug): base camp disappears.
I have experienced it twice in a row.

First instance, I renewed my duration to go more than a day upon setup. 1d 17hrs even. I was gone for 1 whole day, and the base camp disappeared when I logged in. But this time, when I tried to set one up again, it popped up a msg with something like “Doing this will delete existing base camp…blah”. Which seemed like, the tent was somewhere in the void, rather than it expiring. I tried looking at all the channels, but no tent. I have only set up my tent on one map only so far. I may or may not have renewed the camp on later occasions with my other chars before I was gone a day.

On the 2nd instance, I only renewed up to 8-10 hrs. Tent was still up 6-8 hrs after. Then, I used another char to extend it some 12+ more hours. I came back 6hrs later, and it’s gone. I checked the duration before I left it, so I’m sure of the duration.

I may have experienced this more than twice, but before I can think it was a bug, I simply thought I made a mistake.

Steps to reproduce the issue :

  1. create base camp
  2. renew duration
  3. create refreshments table
  4. login some time later and its gone

Update 1: After 4 hours, playing other chars, and finally doing missions with my squire, after the server seemed to have broke and DCd everyone in GvG and mission, I went back on my spot and see my base camp and refreshments table up again. So it actually disappears, and if I wait, it just comes back? There’s 21 hrs left in duration, longer than I expected but could be just about right. I still don’t know the factors that brought back the tent. What is tested is that, if I can’t see the camp, my party and my alts also doesn’t. I’ve also asked for a party to check, and this time they see it as well.
Also, the record logs was cleared.


Bug. Can’t use storage, Refreshment table always error when to eat food = waste your silver to make lots of food that can’t eat.

@emopink don’t worry, just play other char, they will not fix this bug because squire is not a popular class.

Yeah it seems so :frowning:
My archer kinda benefits from the food buffs (it’s quite convenient) but if this persists then it’s not even worth the extra work and silver spent to set it up again.

@STAFF_John @STAFF_Yuri @STAFF_Max this bug is still around after quite long time. Any plans or information on when will it be fixed?!

In a summary:
Whenever a channel gets empty the base camp is reset along with the monsters which makes it pointless to have a renew duration option as well too expensive to keep creating base camps over and over :<

I have a Squire c3 with a lvl 10 base camp, wich have a duration of at least 6 hours, but when I mount one in just about 30 minutes the base camp disapears, it’s been quite long that this keeps happening.


@GM_Francis @GM_Sebastian any updates? :<

I’ve tested this. The channel won’t reset if you leave a vendor in it. All I can say for sure is it WILL expire if YOU leave the party. The camp is pretty much a party utility. You need to be in the party to access base camp warp, food, even storage. Now since parties are carried over to all toons in the tavern, we’re all screwed :grinning:

The channel does resets even with vendors on it, on some maps it takes around 2h to reset instead of instant reset. Also you don’t need to be in party to use base camp warp anymore.

But yeah, still bugged :< @STAFF_Max @STAFF_Yuri any news?

Odd, I was just standing near my own camp at forest of prayer … afk a bit for food and when i came back where my char is standing at the camp is gone … so I don’t think the ch reset here because my non-vending char is still there. This has been happening frequently ever since the last maint! (my camp is extended to many many hours, i think 2 days)

some ppl use another pc put a char on forest of prayer

so camp not disapear for a while(around week)

but someone always come here and try to crash ch when everyone sleep

vendor gone, afk char gone, in few hours all camp gone

if no one in ch - ch reset camp gone but vendor not

if ch boom - vendor gone, camp still here(until no one in map for a while)

Fun fact: If you open your food table to public it turns it into a vendor, so even if you base camp disappears the table is still there.

IMC could apply a quick fix into making both base camp and table into private vendor/shop to fix the issue without much coding.

almost 4 weeks and the problem is still there, great job you devs.

need another donut to fix it?

Another week, again no solution, GJ

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this sucks lalalalaa

Another month has passed. No solution. GJ

Just finished leveling my squire last week, lost like 600k silver worth of food due to the maintenance reset, understandable, but this should not have happend imo, how does the guild tower last through maitenance but the camp just disappears? And a few hours ago lost more 400k+ worth of food and renew time because the camp simply vanished. This is so annoying, I really like this game but its so full of bugs, server lag. I feel like the more I play the game, the more frustating it gets.

Bumping this thread with the hopes of some new insight on a former issue

That’d be pretty nice to have some answer, actually. It’s not only annoying, but also expensive to build a base camp everytime the previous randomly decides to take a walk…
@STAFF_Yuri, @STAFF_Amy, @STAFF_Letitia, @STAFF_Ines, @STAFF_Ethan, can one of you please kindly give us a position on it?


Happened to us the last 3 days. Hope to get some answers.