Tree of Savior Forum

Spring Flower Dress?

:open_mouth: wait… wiz might have a chance… ahhhh!

A gleam of hope! :scream:

Because archer NPCs all stole the spotlight. :smirk:

Female Cleric is the cutest.

Also I wonder why Archer cash costumes always show so little skin. Scout already dresses as a dominatrix so what’s up with that IMC? Gimme some fan-service!

(re-post, replied to the wrong guy in the first post ;))

Each post of yours I see is about loli or “pantsu”. I think you should put a brake on it, it’s not a hentai forum.

Speaking of the costumes themselves, they’re pretty meh. Have to try them on on my character first however and see how they go with the headgears I own :stuck_out_tongue:

Serious face : ON
I think you are mistaking me for someone else. This is probably the first thread I actually joke about pantsu despite it not being related to it. As for loli wise, it was someone else’s issue that I only happen to step in since it was overly rude.

I got your back bro.


Probably I was just unfortunate to see a few posts of this type today or must have mistaken indeed, sorry then for confusion.

And back on costume’s topic, I’ve realised that pink hair may finally go well with something :3

Are you a genius? You must be one! :astonished: I am truly surprise you go through the trouble making/find that gif lmao. +1 effort and kudos to you.

But tbh, as a male player. We do look into these details for costumes, not that I really need them or what. We too like cutesy and smexy designed outfits.
Their potraits are pretty fan-service imo.

Ok I take it back, that’s some nice amount of skin.

Good stuff IMC, good stuff.

Any in-game preview? ;_;

Here’s the whole bunch of them, straight on the korean website.


wot, isn’t this preview enough :neutral_face:
Imagine my comrade, IMAGINE~ :innocent:

Why did they really animate each costume to show… what’s under kek :joy:

Asians and pantsu, a symbiotic relationship :smiley:

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Wonder why you can only see scary emptiness when you look up the male clerics robe…

He is not just only going comando, he is going full empty void.

Well, it’s a male costume, less motivation I guess :yum:

Gif Maker : Wow this female cleric gown sure looks good. Ok next… urgh male again…
spins model
Look at result
Gif Maker : Meh. shrug

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I’ll be honest… I think Cleric M is one of the least good looking spring costume
And I’m a Cleric M

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I hope we get the Korean Wiz3 and Highlander3 costumes eventually and they don’t go the path of class balance changes: never to be seen in our version.

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Definitely coming, it’s $$ bait.