Tree of Savior Forum

Spring Flower Dress?

anyone have any screenshots of them? from KToS maybe? im curious how they look like

A new costume, maybe? dont remember to see a restricted costume for male wizards/female clerics and warriors in ktos

and why not for archers :expressionless:

waiting for our secret class, imc, please

I wanna see it too @@

We’re getting some new costumes before ktos?

seems like it. i cant seem to find it anywhere

Not sure if we’re getting them before ktos but it seems we’re getting everything ktos is getting :slight_smile:

hopefully this one :slight_smile:


that’s adorable af



BEGONE!! evil spirited Commander Loadfail!!


so far we seem to only get the normal patch notes and quests
but not the class patch notes
monk and barbar got nice buffs in the last 3 weeks
but they arent in our patch notes
but every quest/itemmal/trade patches are instantly done in the same week(would love to have the barbar slash buff here it would be soooooooo good)

It seems they are just now getting the bot report function. I think they’re doing a pretty decent job all things considered. Might be they test out patches on kToS and what isn’t deemed needed atm is set aside for later. Still makes me wonder how we got bot report before they did.



I hope it’s cute <3


I hope it has fan-service skirt.

i can see panties XD

hopefully i have enough TP to buy it :open_mouth:

In order: Archer, Cleric, Swordsman and Wizard.


Time to make some female chars.

o man i was looking forward for the female wiz’s dress, it looks exactly like the post mercenary outfit. :confounded:

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Also looks like you can be a fricking FAKE AS S WARLOCK WANNABE with that wiz spring dress LMFAO