Tree of Savior Forum

Spr stats on sorcerers

Im plnning to play sorce can just put 3 int 1 con and completely igmore spr?

yes u can… =)

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My build is wiz.pyro.link2.sorc2.warlock… do u think 3 int 1 con is ok?

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in my opinion, putting points on spr as sorcerer is a bad idea, the sp will go like water anyway cause drain is % base and potions will be almost useless cause of the high max sp…

It’d be nice to have only Ride preventing sp regen but owell

The only thing SPR is good for on a Sorcerer is for increasing the defense of your summon via “Summoning” spell.

I don’t think it’s necessary though unless you want to solely rely on your summon (idk the base defense of the summon/cards so I can’t say SPR is not totally necessary). If you do then I believe 3:1 (INT:SPR) would be fine.

What do u think of full int?

I think having no CON is a bad idea, as after level 180 or so things will start hitting harder and harder. I’m going wiz 3 - ele 3 putting 4:1 INT/CON, just because i dont wanna get 1-shot later on.

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Ahh tnx do u think they will sell stats reset?

You only get one in founders pack I believe. And if they make major class changes.