Tree of Savior Forum

Spiritual chain + invocation

@lyhonlam69 Thanks for the video and mentioning the row thing :slight_smile:

@LittleTako The attribute is well explained in
ppl who stands close to the spirit get their dark dmg increased by:
5% x [attribute lvl];
and the caster get double itā€™s value (of course they must stand near the spirits too):
10% x [attribute lvl];
and the thread wasnā€™t supposed to be about the attribute :sob:
I would recommend creating a new thread to talk about the attribute and linking it to this one.
however I donā€™t believe that you would have more to ask (do you?)

ya its a debuff wich can be cured (if an enemy linker links you)

and again invocation doesn get shared via chain - because it counts as an attack not a buff - and only applies if you kill the stuff - imagine if you had two warlocks and everybody got the skill up 24/7 and you summon 100 spirits in a single wave of monsters thatll be pretty much overpowered

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That might only be useful in places like earth tower, instance or party quests dont respawn mobs like earth tower so the spirits wont be too useful, but yeah I get your point

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It would be op on open world field too

I can see ks from miles away with a large amount of spirits flying towards you :v
but ye it would be op, but I wish the spirits last longer on field, could be just me

That would be a huge effort just to ks someoneā€¦
and waste of spirits.

swordsman would still have a bigger ks potential

I mean if you know the spawn rate is huge and you just wanna be a deek to someone c:

I donā€™t believe that wizards have potential to a be a:[quote=ā€œLittleTako, post:27, topic:144137ā€]
deek to someone

donā€™t make ppl think its OP, it isnā€™t.

Unless you have a lv15 ice wall, maybe. Done a few trolls with my mates in icbt2 :v

The attribute is shared. Iā€™m linker and I was able to get the 50% magic damage increase from a wizard party member.[quote=ā€œWorldisMine, post:12, topic:144137, full:trueā€]
i think the invocation skill itself is a buff, which can be shared. but the attribute cannot unless someone else also has the attribute. same principle on wiz3 QC. qc buff is shared but not its attribute. but once a SC w3 QC another w3 with attribute, the attribute procs.


Hi, please, can you confirm this?

Have you tested it while having QC yourself and sharing it to someone who doesnā€™t have it at all? Or was you only a linker 2 and got +50% on your damage spells?

The only people who get the 50% damage bonus from quick cast are those with the attribute. In a party of A,B,C, and D where C and D have no quick cast attribute and A and B having it:

A uses Quick Cast which gets shared with everyone.
B gets the quick cast from A and since he has the attribute, he gets +50% damage.
C and D get quick cast but they only get the speed up casting component.

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Yes, thatā€™s how I think it works, but I never tried it myself so I donā€™t know and thatā€™s not what @Ffamfrit said.

Ehā€¦Well what he said is wrong then O_O

Attributes donā€™t share in spiritual chain.

linker here can confirm, works like this.

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I tested this and my AA damage went up by 50%. Iā€™ll upload a vid later today to confirm that Spiritual link shares the +50% magic damage attribute of QC.

It could be my eyes but I observed this twice. Will record and upload a short clip later.

Iā€™m a linker2 without Wiz3 on my build.

Wiz>Cryo>Link2>Sorc>Alche2 now.