Tree of Savior Forum


I’m also thinking about pumping a little bit into SPR, despite what everyone else is saying. Currently doing missions, just spamming maybe 3-4 cycles of pyro skills and then a couple linker skills here and there will deplete my mana pool. As a support wouldn’t it be better to be able to cast all the skills (would be even more of a problem once you factor in chronomancer’s skills) or is this greater sp potion that you can obtain at higher levels enough to cover it?

One other concern that I have is how does Backmasking work? Does it revive dead party members? I saw a video of a chronomancer trolling in the korean servers sending their party back but according to this it says that it does not affect players:

It’s not what everyone is saying. It’s all about min maxing. You can solve mana problem with level 10 SP pots, but you can’t add damage through money. That’s why it"s just more efficient to pump INT.

Backmasking sometimes acts strange, but as I know it can revive players.

Throwing in some contribution.

Spiritual chain does not share warlock’s invocation.

As a Linker fellow, I would like to ask if any of you managed to share healing factor, beak mask or ein sof using spiritual chain, because I couldnt.

Tested the other skills and all worked just fine.

I hope to see more buffs in this list someday.

I can confirm that healing factor and ein sof cannot be shared since they are ground tiles. Beak mask also cannot be shared even though it’s a self buff.

There really needs to be more shareable skills. Hopefully later ranks will add more. I still use the skill a lot since I party with a QS3, but for most linker C2+, it’s not all that useful.

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Noted with thanks, I will modify accordingly.

I am currently aiming to build a Thau1 C3 Linker FF. I heard about the initial nerf to JP from 16 to 10 targets. But that’s still ok.

After seeing the limited usage of spiritual link on this thread just gets me really demoralised. Is there still any reason to get C3 linker at this point??

Maybe not now, in the future with more classes there might be more shareable buffs and umbilical cord could probably be more useful, but for current meta Chronomancer C3 outshines Linker C3 by a milestone.

You get linker 3 for the stat sharing, linker 2 is spiritual chain.

Ok, this just struck me. Is possible that there’s a hidden mechanic behind Spiritual Chain? Making the number of sharable buffs that can be shared through Spiritual Chain are affected by Spiritual Chain’s skill level? Like how hexing has more AOE ratio the higher the level but is not stated in the skill description.

So for example, a level 5 spiritual chain may not be able to share Restraint but a level 10 Spiritual chain is able to? What level of spiritual chain did you guys use to compile this list?

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