Tree of Savior Forum

Spetember 27th maintenance - whats going on in EU server?

Brace yourselves, hotfixes coming in 2 weeks.

-“Ehy guys, in Fedimian server there are few people, what we should to do for quit them?”


arent u happy your beloved IMC is working so diligently ensuring your pleasure playing the game?

maintenance is supposed to maintain , not break things up

better call it, breakainance


your problem hau, is that you think that everyone who disagree with you is a wk. I ALWAYS throw ■■■■ to IMC when they had messed up things in the past, for example, the silute relocation server problem or that annoying dungeon error that we had like 2 months ago, but come on, discouraging new players to try the game? you and your hue army just went full retarded.

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any1 at this point, still think TOS isnt dying, IS WHITEKNIGHT

why is TOS dying? is it troll’s fault?

and please explain what you trying to say with your pic? lol?

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ToS is NOT dying. It is stillborn already.

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it’s not ‘‘troll’s’’ fault ofc, it is IMC fault we all know that (if you don’t you are just a dumb player that lives in a bubble). ToS is not dying, decrease in population after 2-3 months is a common thing in most of the mmorpg out there, but you contribute to that aswell spamming every new thread saying that the game is ■■■■/it’s dying/do not play it/run while you can, etc. I know that you like your fame in ToS forum due to lack of attention in your real life but come on, don’t be edgy, there a lot of ways at least more ‘‘possitive ways’’ to contribute to our community, I think that we all want to see ToS in a better state, right?

on topic: IMC need to fix this problem ASAP @STAFF_Max @STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_Ines @STAFF_Amy @STAFF_John

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exactly! its common to drop player base~

so 50k drop to 5k <-- u call this common?

as far as i know, i only telling the truth.

i hope new comer can be as resilient as u, u know, 45k people left coz they are not like you, can withstand all the bulls we’re getting

ok, u know me best.

you will get your positive ways when i quit TOS

then you have your dead 3k population

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I have a discord with a special earthtower community. We are for 4 teams + a 5 in creation. Today I had to tell theses experienced players that tonight we don’t go to 5f 10f 15f because the game is not working.

Since Earthtower is one of the very few endgame content of the game, and that’s for most of players now the main reason they play the game, dedicated players are looking at others game to play since TOS ET don’t work.

You sound like TaoBao from Femidian.

I think he’s just trying to say you’re misguided.

And you do need to branch out a bit. 14 hours a day 7 days a week… It’s a bit extreme even by my standards. I can’t even keep up with your hours and I have a browser at work and home.

… actually 20 hours today? wtf man goto sleep.

lol, you keep track?

erm, thanks, i guess?

misguided? how so? in what sense? woot?

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I’m curious sometimes… since it was mentioned once. But that’s bad for your health.

Misguided bit I’ll just step ahead for you since I know what you’ill say and I need to grab a shower:

Oh you don’t actually care about ToS? I.C. you’re ok going 20 hours in a day out of angst and your need for narcissistic supply. Carry on.


bath nicely~ i guess its evening there, just return from work?

nah… TOS? just another joke game so far

arent you impressed yet, a troll is more dedicated than ur casual

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Finally some good return fire on Kinyau. Well played.

Of course the game isn’t in a good state now. Everyone is stating the obvious. But they’re not contributing at all other then creating a lot of the same topics and cluttering the forums.

It’s hard to imagine someone trolling the forums 20 hours a day don’t give a sht about the game. But to each his own ;).

Of course bugs happen, but IMC sure takes the cake in taking their time to fix them…(and some of them are really unacceptable). I just hope the game lasts long enough for it to recover. What if (and I know it’s a weird as fck question)… They’d ask @Excrulon to help them out. What would that be like?

Still having fun though. We even get to laugh at some stuckbugs in TBL with my mates :slight_smile:

let me clap


i know right, its hard to understand people still whoreship TOS like best game ever

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@kinyau87 You can argue all you want, but the fact that other people still like the game has nothing to do with you trolling the forums for 20 hours each day and ‘not liking it’. But oh well, not going to continue this discussion any further. @Raspy made a good point and that’s all there is to it really.

On topic: If only IMC would communicate more often with its playerbase and for example acknowledged the dungeon entrance bug that occurred after the maintanance, people would be more patient I think…

Edit: tags

people like to spend money on tos

i like to spend my time on tos forum

each to their own liking

oh… look, 3.7k player online now