Tree of Savior Forum

[Speculation] Lama not monk c4, but a Sadhu c4 or end game rank

First and foremost from the costume doesn’t instill a Martial Theme/‘I will punch your guts out’, but a ‘holy’ monk theme. This is reference to Tibetan Monks and not the traditional RPG monk which are reference to Shaolin Monks.

The monk costumes clearly project a physical combat class as similar to Paladin, Chaplain and Inquisitor with all the armored parts combat accesories. The Lama costumes doesnt have these features.

If Lama was a C4 class I speculate it would be for the Sadhu instead. As Sadhu maybe of combat class but more spiritual themed than physical combat.

Furthur more Lama is like a higher tier tibetan monks I would imagine it to be rank 10 the ‘projected’ last rank or higher ‘end-game’ rank. I assume the alternate choice with a Lama is a Cardinal or Archbishop in a western concept Class.

your thoughts?

how can this be related to Dalai Lama

Sure the outfit doesnt spell i’ll punch ur guts out but theres a hint inside the clothing which is Sam Fu and Cheong Sam which is traditional Chinese outfits it spells kung fu to me

Daoshi doesnt do kung fu and they have chinese outfits.

But speculatively its not going to be a physical base attack class. You wouldnt wear external thick robes with furs under a Quipao, Sam Fu and Cheong Sam or whatever when doing kicks and backflips.

Kinda cold up there you know

and? when was the last time in RPGS a kung fu monk got scared of snowflakes and traded their gauntlets for a jacket?

unless IMC goes full IRL reference to Tibet and give Lama an Flame Aura skill that cause fire damage to enemies near them.

We used to believe Lama would be Monk 4 but, bam, the dream was crushed.