Tree of Savior Forum

💖 Looking for +15 gear buyers in SEA-Telsiai - PAY AS YOU ORDER!

##The process

My process is legit and here’s proof:

When I wake up, the 1st thing I do is pray to RNGesus that today will be a fine day for enhancement. I pick up my RNG bible and read a verse, sometimes two when I feel like doing so. RNG is love. RNG is life.

##How to avail

You provide the gear (trade it to me). Additional cost computation is as follows:

TOTAL = 2 x upgrade cost (including failed upgrades which is super few!)

10% discount on succeeding orders after the 1st.

##Terms & conditions

You are not allowed to see me doing the enhancements because you would then discover and possibly steal my secret. I swear I won’t run away with your gear. You can claim it after 2 business days, that is if you see me online or if I’m still in your friends list.


EDIT: /sarcasm huehue

is this an rmt thread?


I thought the process section already gave it away. XD /20secondssssssssssssssssssss

Sorry, just bored.