Tree of Savior Forum

SPAMementalist! - High Dps Elementalist Build - Pyro, Cryo, Ele C3

This is the Elementalist build I made and am currently using and the logic behind it. I wanted to share it with everyone as my first post here. I made a skill simulator page for it to make it easier. Hope you guys like it as much as I do. It’s probably the most fun build I’ve tried out of any class. Free of the basic attack and waiting-for-cooldowns nastyness.

I explain the stat build and the skill build in the link above. But I’ll paste the wall of text here anyway! :smile_cat:

Should be along the lines of 3/1 or 4/1 (INT/CON) until you feel you have enough CON then go full INT.

1 INT = 1 Magic Attack
1 CON = 85 HP
1 SPR = 13 SP. Not worth sacrificing magic attack or HP for this, get better SP pots. (Thanks to Mirarara for pointing this out ^^)

Rank 1 (Wizard):
Energy Bolt (5),
Earthquake (5),
Reflect Shield (5).
Basic wizard build. The other two skills we can live without.

Rank 2 (Pyro):

Fireball (5),
Flame Ground (5),
Fire Wall (5).
I had Enchant Fire instead of Fire Wall and honestly never used it much since I never basic attack and at level 5 it’s usefulness for my team is pretty low. Let the Pyro 2’s and 3’s handle it. The purpose of Pyro C1 is to add DPS skills while Elementalist cooldowns are down. They don’t require a charge time and synergize well with Cryo and Elementalist AOE’s. Freeze them into your Flame Ground and Fireballs and gg.

Rank 3 (Cryo):
Ice Bolt (5). Make sure to get the additional freezing chance attribute. Decent filler as well.
Ice Wall (5). Nice freeze and utility skill. Has it’s situational uses and the damage isn’t terrible.
Ice Spikes (5). Combos nicely with Flame Ground/Fire Ball.
Ice Blast (0). You can put one point into Ice bolt and 4 into this if you want? Up to you.
Cryo works extremely well with Pyro skills as it doesn’t allow mobs to walk out of your Flame Ground and Fire Balls while you continue spamming with Ice Spikes/Ice Wall/Ice Bolt. When you get to Elementalist it gives 100% extra damage to Electrocute when you freeze mobs, with the attributes.

Note: The usefulness and extra damage of Cryo makes going Pyro C2 a less formidable option. But going Cryo 2 isn’t worth saying no to Pyro C1. So going both together gives more DPS, you don’t have to wait for cooldowns or basic attack. The skills work together really well to increase your DPS. Also synergizes extremely well with Ele skills. Hail/Frost Cloud + Flameground is nice, use spikes/ice wall/ice bolt to keep them frozen into your deathpool of elemental goodness. And for these reasons I choose those two over Linker as well.

Rank 4 (Elementalist C1).
Electrocute (5). 100% extra damage with Cryo freezes ftw.
Hail (5). Drop a hail, drop a flame ground, Ice Spike and wall to freeze mobs in!
Prominence (1). I like to leave one point into this and have the attribute for smaller range. It casts instantly and does extra damage while you continue spamming other skills so why not? Worth the 1 point.

Rank 5 (Elementalist C2).
Electrocute (10).
Hail (10).
Meteor (1). I rather have a shorter casting time than more damage. It just works better with this build to have 1 second casting time. 10 seconds is way too long and not very practical. One point makes it a very quick high damage skill.
Prominence (1).
Freezing Sphere (5). Great damage, nice filler, just get it.

Rank 6 (Elementalist C3); The promised land.
Electrocute (15) Really high damage with freezing from your Cryo, so your Cryo is still very useful even at this point.
Hail (12). Good enough damage at level 12. You can choose to max this and leave Electrocute at 12 too. Or even lower Freezing Sphere and max this. But I feel like this is good at level 12 and maxing Electrocute and Freezing Sphere are better options.
Prominence (1). Instant cast of extra damage goodness. Just looks cool so why not? Leave at rank 1 for more consistent skills.
Frost Cloud (5) Your bread and butter AOE skill. Works well with hail, flame ground, fireballs, ice spikes, ice walls, ice bolts to freeze, spam some freezing spheres into the rotation. Just go ALL OUT!
Rain (1). Good enough at rank 1.
Freezing Sphere (10). Good damage, quick cast, just max it.

So there ya have it! Keep in mind that you can build the skills as you see fit. You might want to do it differently and that’s okay. There’s very few ways you can really mess up this build so just do it to your tastes but this is the way I feel like your DPS and fun is optimized. Cryo works really well with Pyro both at C1, and they both synergize amazingly with Elementalist, which has the problem of high cooldowns and the need for lots of fillers.

These are my opinions and build to how I enjoy playing and wanted to share it. Hope you guys liked my text spam too! lol.

By taking only C1 of Pyro and Cryo you cannot benefit from the Elementalist trait for C2 of those two classes… and on top of that I see mana being an issue. Otherwise, looks decent, I personally wouldn’t try it.

Well it cartainly would have more burst dmg than True Elementalist build (w3,e3,wl), but dps wise its probably behind him quite a lot. Would you mind post some video of your grinding and boss fights? And if i’d discard w2and3 i would go for either pyro2 or cryo2.

The C2 attribute for either class isn’t worth sacrificing one or the other. The damage increase for the C2 of one class is also not worth sacrificing the other. I find both together works better. I’ve compared to other Pyro C2’s and Cryo C2’s and my DPS was apparently higher. Of course at rank 7 and up it’s not going to make a big difference when you’re already Elementalist C3 and Warlock or something. This is just for high DPS at all stages. Yeah SP costs are high but it’s worth the DPS and fun at all ranks. Sorcerer SP costs are high too, and have lower DPS.

Remove SPR, SP stops being an issue after level 100, and your point in SPR is actually insignificant.

Wiz C3 is mainly for the quick cast, you still have to wait for cooldowns. I’ve seen Wiz C3 Elementalists having to normal attack while they wait for the high cooldowns of Ele skills, and filling with Magic Missile. Quick casting is nice but with this build it’s unnecessary for dps. Frost cloud is your strongest AOE and doesn’t require a charge. I’m constantly doing burst and DoT damage while Wiz C3’s have to run around watching their bosses walk out of hail, frost cloud, prominence. And this way it’s just much more fun.

Of course these are all just my opinions. Not saying this build is better than any Wiz C3 or Pyro/Cryo C2’s or linker builds but it works for me and I enjoy it more.

I can’t imagine not adding SPR for a DPS mage. It should be added to your tastes though. If you’re like me with this build and constantly spam skills without having to wait for cooldowns :imp: then you’ll find some SPR to be useful. Not much but as much as you think is necessary. I don’t know many mages who don’t add SPR unless they don’t spam much lol. I still needed SPR way past lvl 100. Right now my SPR is sitting at 50 and will probably stay there for a while.

“innecesary” 50% reduction cast time and 50% more damage in skill with a uptime of 100%

I like the people that made differents builds from the tipical elementalist, but dont lie, you gonna suffer a lot to cast skills like hail or electrocute without quick cast.

And you dont need SPR, you are sacrifing a lot of int or CON.

SPR its awful for the wizard, im 147lvl with a wiz3/ele3/warlock build and i go with 3-1 INT:CON and dont have a single point in SPR and your sp its not the problem.

Btw hail you need to max it, Hail and Frost cloud are the best areas of the build.

And you dont need to invent points in reflect shield its garbage when you pass the early levels, best to invent point in sleep/lethargy.

You are probably buying the wrong potion. It only take me one sp potion per few minutes at level 150++. Even if you have double my skill, it should still be enough.

Let me put it in this way. 40 spr is equivalent to 3.2k HP or around 80 matk, which is equivalent to equipment that worth at least 10 million in terms of silver.

That’s like 5000 lv 10 sp potion.

50% reduction cast time but where in the skill description does it say 50% more damage?

50% less cast time is nice but all the skills, spam-ability, dps, fun, synergy and utility isn’t worth sacrificing just to make hail and electrocute go a little faster. Seeing as Frost Cloud doesn’t require a cast time and it’s your ultimate aoe. I can freeze things into my Hail and Frost cloud, and throw some fire aoe skills to increase damage output. Of course this is just how I like to do it. Not saying your build is bad, it has its great advantages.

Maxing hail is definitely viable, that’s why I tell people in my build they can do it if they want. I’ll probably end up doing it myself but so far I like my Electrocute and Freezing Sphere maxed instead.

I don’t see a build like mine or even a Sorcerer build without SPR. Some builds just need it more. When I say I’m constantly spamming I do mean that lol. But like I said, add SPR to taste, or not at all, up to the player. I definitely need it.

Wizard c1 skills are all useless to me anyway. But yeah sleep or lethargy are good options with this build since you won’t use the attack skills anyway from C1 Wiz. Good point.

Quick cast increase all your damage by 50%. Its an attribute, and that’s why most dps is playing wiz 3.

I’ll most likely stat reset when I reach level 220+ if I find I don’t need Spr anymore and pots are enough. You’re probably right.

I see so many builds not going Wiz 3 for the 50% extra damage attribute. Now I’m wondering how that compares or translates to more damage overall with less skills to spam. My build does have to spam a lot to reach the same or more damage but I think it works out, and is more fun to use. I guess I’ll have to continue down this path to see for myself.

So far I’ve compared myself to other Wiz C3 Elementalists and I feel pretty good where I stand in comparison dps and practicality wise.


Yeah so my extra 40 points into SPR is equal to what coulda been 3,400 HP from CON, or 40 magic attack from INT. Just for an extra 520 SP.

Not worth adding into SPR. Stat reset is in order! And an update to my build. lol

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Wiz 3 elementalist will be dealing lesser dmg than most wizard class until rank 6, where they catch up and become the higher tier dps machine.

Which stops being an issue when you have warlock class or any r7+ class - so it also depends if you want this char for a long run or just stop around 200. And even ealier you can take like one point from each dmg skills and just use them as fillers. And for the normal grinding usually one combo is fine - may become an issue in the boss fights.

have you buy the founder? its the only posibility to adquire a potion to reset the stats of your character, you only can buy in the TP vendor the skill reset potion.

for now - im sure after the release they will add this to tp vendor as well.

Why not? W1, C2, E3, RC1. Rune of Ice give you +300 Ice property skill attacks, synergy cith Cryo and Elem, plus Electrocute & Rain & Frezze Monster, and Rune of giants doubles your HP and Defense, is good support.

I think the W3 is a good option, maybe W3, C3, RC. -50% casting time, +50% Magic Damage plus strong ice skills & Rune of Ice.

The only Ele skill that ice rune works on is Freezing Sphere - which most builds skip. Rune of Giants prevents you from casting spells (or so i’ve heard). Plus they have really long cd.