Tree of Savior Forum

SP Recovery for Swordsman and Archer classes

Since classes like Swordsman and Archer are dps classes, they could have the sp be regeneated a bit everytime it hits an enemy with a basic attack, stacking with the number of enemies affected by the attack.

Search the forum for more details and explanations but the answer is no.

If the classes are auto-attack classes, why are they having anything to do with sp?

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They are dps classes, not mages, if they does not restores sp naturally while in combat, how different are they from mages?

the argument you are making now suggests mages should get the auto attack sp not anyone else lol.

No, just you are just playing the functional illiterate in order to ridicularize the topic.

no, he said that no class has auto attack regeneration.

I know, the suggestion is to implement it on Archers and Swordsman, since they are dps classes.

Alright if your gonna be a little bitch and 2 lazy to search the forums for all the answers that already exist for this topic ill spell it out for you.

Your stating that archer & swordsman are dps classes by that logic their auto attacks should be a large contribution to their damage (typical of dps classes in most mmos) and they should be less skill dependent and need LESS sp then a class that depends only on skills for damage.

And if that was the case then the argument would be that wizard needs the sp on auto attack since without its skills it is relatively helpless.

Beyond that if we gave such a bonus to swordsman and archer they would become broken as both of these classes boast access to 0 CD no overheat skills & access to atk speed boosts which means they would be able to abuse such a system and make other classes irrelevant it would also trivialize class selection as certain skills would become mandatory.

Sp is also a weakness for some classes what you are suggesting is that we remove all weakness from classes you like because you don’t know what the SPR stat is for.

Have you heard about “re-balance”?

Let me write what you did.

“Please re balance all of the classes because i don’t know what spirit is or how to manage my skills or where to buy sp pots or what gems are etc etc etc.”

Does that sound reasonable or logical? No it does not.

That sounds stupid, why you did brought that kind of idea?
Also, reworded the topic.

I don’t see the point here. I’ve played with both Archer and Swords classes, and they seemed nice to me. The SP was little hard sometimes, but the SP pots are enough if your not intending to HOLD the SKILLS buttons constantly . Like Oblique Shot from Archers that takes so much SP in higher levels and the damage is great. I could use SP POTS and attacks normally to kill as well as building status to resist a little bit the SP consumed it has( Unfortunately the Status are so broken in this game that didn’t effect SP that much) . But C’mon Wizard consume more SP from their magics than the physicals classes.
IF IMC suppose to regenerate a little of SP by every attack the physicals classes do , that would make an unbalanced game totally. Lets image, peltasta using the LURE skill to call 25 monsters in the max skill level. it could regenerate all his/her SP just attacking the MOBS

When ive played with Wizards class, i could see Energy Bolt as a broken skill. IT consumes lot of SP, it has a low DMG comparing to others starting classes. and the Over Heat was the end to not spending points. The IMC has a lot going on already all over the game . CLASSES , BUGS, EXPLOITS . UNBALANCING. LINEAR GAME. QUESTS. USELESS SKILLS.
the regeneration will be fixed when they fix the Status distribution.

I see so many good things in this game, but i also see a hard work going on to fix the problems it has. I don’t know how the game would be like when it be OB. but im not sure its going to look like i was expecting. i don’t want to be pessimistic , but this game wont go too far from the shore if IMC dont be smart and rework SKILLS, MECHANICS, and CLASSES fast. I see the game as a totally PAY TO WIN , but the last hope i have tell me to let them work now so we can judge later playing. I know all players must have their opinions, but IMC can’t take all of them :wink:

The sp regen just incentivates players to do normal attack on monsters, reinforcing the idea of they being dps classes.

that the game need is a class that can give sp to others like professor in ro

Well there are bonfires and mp pots :grinning: And why should swordmans and archers need sp recovery more than wizards or clerics? All can go for dps

I see the point of that. I didnt say they shouldnt be DPS classes. But we know there’s not way to increases the ATTACK SPEED with GEMS or Status yet , just with skills. so DPS classes that use Normal Attack can’t hit that much or fast enough to cause great DMG. So the SP was necessary to use Skills constantly to kill mobs, but if IMC considered in using the DPS’ normal attack to regen SP by every hit. It would cause an unbalanced game play.

Wizards can’t cause great DMG using normal attack and surviving when all mobs approaching them, they cant even move while dealing normal attacks, and their skills consumed so much SP. Everybody knows that all the magic circles that have no limit of hits were the greatest DPS skills against grounded mobs when grinding, so it helped saving lot of SP just using those kind of skills

my point in all of that is, they should create a status that increases the normal attack speed, so DPS could use more NORMAL attacks and SP regen wouldnt be so much necessary. We could use SP pots or bonfires to recovery SP much better than NORMAL ATTACK x SP REGEN.

You kind of got it, if there is sp regen while using normal attack, dps classes will have a new
reason to use normal attack while in combat, and the skill would be kind of like a bonus damage
causing factor that you can use once you have attacked a x number of times (if not in cooldown).

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Even if class rely on skills only, i’d still wish for some use of basic attack for them. An SP regen from basic hits is actually good idea. However it should apply to all 4 classes, not just swordsman and archers.

Why potions would be for? If the SP recovery from basic attacks would exist but would be small (say 1% of SP per hit maybe?), then people would still use SP potions to regen more SP faster, if (for example) they need more aoe’s or spam skills.

Imo it would give some synergy between basic attacks and skills.