Tree of Savior Forum

SP Management in the Wizard branch (answered)

Hey folks. Asking on behalf of a friend and also for my own curiosity. I haven’t tried a mage myself yet, but as I understand it, they run out of SP very quickly. I haven’t been able to pinpoint whether SPR is a ‘useless’ stat or not, in that whether or not the SP regen it provides is worth dumping into over other stats.

If SPR isn’t really worthwhile, I suppose what I need to ask is, what do people do to make enough silver to keep up a steady supply of SP potions and not be entirely broke?

Apologies if this has been answered elsewhere, I didn’t see anything when scrolling through the forum.

I am playing kino and I relay on bonfires outside of combat and try to only use potions in boss or big pulls . Kind is not same as other builds so can’t say how go spr is have no points in it for this class

SPR is useless in terms of SP/SP regen. you could pump 40 points into SPR and it wouldn’t do crap to save you any SP potions.

use bonfires. they are a hell of a lot cheaper then potions and if you grind right you should easily be able to keep your SPR topped up inbetween waves

Bonfires also work for party members and nearby players, so you can talk them into splitting the cost.

40 silver / 5 members = 8s

Thanks for the replies folks! You’ve been very helpful.