Tree of Savior Forum

SorceRune vs Magburk

Although it is quite nice to have these videos, it might be abit better to make a megathread of all ur vids so that it is better for new players and keeps it cleaner. thanks for making these though. i dont use a sorc but i assume some other people might find inspiration with these.


Oh, That’s a good idea.

Pretty sure others have mentioned that already. It’s not that OP haven’t thought of that either, especially when he sometimes post his videos in the sorc megathread as well. LittleSamson chose to keep spamming a new thread here and reddit for his videos just to advertise his channel.

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Magburk, my old enemy, we meet again.
Memories of getting knock-backed hit-locked by homing Magburk firespells in old saalus mission, flying by~

Sorcrune+ Magburk + New spell next video