Tree of Savior Forum

Sorceror Summons Receiving Buffs? (Player Buffs)

Okay so prior to today’s maintenance patch, I know that the Sorceror’s Summon could only receive ground-based buffs (I.e. Zalcai)

However, today I noticed he could also receive Quicken + Haste. Im also pretty sure he received a priest buff (pretty sure it wasnt blessing/divine might/sacrament) but I’ll leave that up in the air.

Asking just to confirm that this is something new and not old-knowledge. Wasnt lucky enough to party constantly with Chronomancers to test everything.

Cuz if it -is- something they snuck in, then yay! If it’s old knowledge just let me know and Ill flag this topic for deletion or something.

I definitely remember seeing my summon with the haste and the revival buff icon above their heads before.

Bat, salamion and my devil summon got quicken and haste from a party member. Last cbt2, i tried c1 sorc and c1 chronomancer, they can get your quicken buffs. They can also get blessing i think? All of em.

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As far as I know from experience: Haste, quicken, stone skin and zalciai works on summoning

Sweet thanks for the confirmation!

Though… quicken doesnt - actually- work on our summons do they, considering when we ride them their ‘attacks’ are actually skills.

I have no idea how they categorize it however, and again, didnt have a dedicated chrono to test to see if there’s a difference xD


They can receive blessing too? I’ve had priests use blessing near my summon and nothing ever happens, no bonus damage proc either. Weird.

I think so or the blessing is on me and it showing when i use my bats. I’ll check it some other time.

I am 100% sure that quicken works on them. Though the difference is not noticeable.

Quicken DOES affect summons, not sure about most other buffs, though some seem to affect it aswell.

Maybe we can not notice a major difference because we’re dealing with low level quickens, maybe even without the Attribute yet.

Yeah that’s possible indeed.

The problem is all about the player buffs Summons do not get.

Invocation. This is really bad, it takes out a lot of the use from Sorc to future classes.