Tree of Savior Forum

Sorcerer summon questions

I’m planning to play Sorc, i saw they need c2 to use sm’s skill . Does summon auto cast skill or must have Riding to active? I love nec c2 but if riding is require i must up Sorc instead T.T

How can i get boss card and uprade it ?
Boss card from quest boss 100% drop chance or not ?

Thanks a lot for helping me !!!
Very sorry about noob questions and bad english .

You need Ride to use summons special abilities.

You get a good amount of cards from quests, after that you get from dungeon boss cubes or world boss cubes (they are some sort of roulette so it is not 100% right you will get a card, specially from dungeons).

To upgrade a card you need other cards, sit your char and press the short key for the card synthesis.

Not all the bosses from quest give cards.

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