Tree of Savior Forum

Sorcerer questions

So I’m looking at making a C3 Sorc, but I have a few questions about the class. Nothing too complex, but I’ve only run across dated info looking for answers, so I thought I’d ask here.

The stat distribution, it’s just pure Int and or some Con, right? How important is the templeshooter card, and how hard is it to farm for one if I lack the funds to buy it? Should I go C3 Wiz/C1 Link or focus on a C3 pyro/cryo? I’m not sure which is the better lead up to sorcerer (tho I’m getting the impression that cryo is just the best in general here).

Sorcerer or other summoner classes should always go for full SPR since it increases summon damage now.

General build for sorc3 currently is cryo3sorc3sage. That of course doesn’t mean other variations are bad. Pyro 3 is done usually for thematic reasons but currently pyro is quite bad. Wiz3 won’t really benefit sorc at all so I’d recommend not to take it.
I guess linker can work but people generally prefer going for the frost pillar.

I do want to mention that sorcerer circle 3 skills are quite bad so sorc 2 is a lot more popular. Cryo3sorc3sage is still a good build tho.

I thought going full spr was a bad idea for sorcs? Don’t summons constantly drain sp? I remember hearing that spr sorcs were super expensive to play because of the sp pot usage (dated info?)

thats one year ago, summons are spr
bats and sorcerer 3 skills are int

so are summons on a timer now or something instead of a constant sp drain? Like do they die out after X time now and have to be re-summoned?

summoning still drain sp but it’s not anymore % based. spr also boost summons damage by % (0.3% per point of spr iirc) and increase their health and defense.

for cards go templeshooter if you will use necro but if not I think it’s better to go netherbovine + necroventer (mobbing and bossing respectively). both those cards are cheap now, even templeshooter is relatively cheap compared to before (best card is marnox though which is really expensive right now).

cryo3 sorc3 sage is the current meta for full-time rider sorcerer (that’s the point of c3 sorc), however with rank9 coming soon and new classes to consider there might be a lot of other options. For example, I’m considering going wiz1-pyro2-thaum2-sorc2-ench2 so I can make full use of the full spr stat spread and be an all around class that can buff support, and split dps between myself and the summon