Tree of Savior Forum

Sorcerer Question

What card should I level up? My main card or the secondary card?

Level up and use Templeshooter which should be your main card. Chapparition isnt to bad of an alternative if you don’t have a temple shooter. Im pretty sure the second card doesn’t do anything until you get morph at sorc C2.

I’ve read from guides that your main summon takes stats from the second card. but I am getting confused since I also read that leveling your main card improves damage.

Im still only Sorc C1 and i have seen no changes from using the second card so far and the ingame Sorc help is actually pretty vague but heres what i have seen so far. The Main card stats is what you will be using in Sorc C1. As far as i can tell the second card has absolutely no effect until Sorc C2. At C2 you get a skill called Mutate which lets you use the second cards stats for the first card. So if you have a level one Templeshooter you can use your level 6 cards stats for it.

Are you sure it works this way? As far I as heard you only need 2nd card to use its skills.

CBT Sorc guide

A guide from CBT. It says the stats come from the second card I just wanted to confirm this. Sooooo anyone know?

The C2 sorc skill lets you summon your 2nd card while maintaining your first cards stats to the 2nd card summoned. In short if your first card is say a 5-6 star card and the 2nd card has only 1 star, using morph will let u summon your 2nd card while maintaining the 5-6 star buff of the first card. (Instead of only having a 1 star buff when summoned normally)

Another Question for all those Sorcerers out there – I know that the mana drain is a percentage of your mana, however, is it a percentage of base mana, or a percentage of your current max mana. I.E. If I lower or raise my mana through items or gems, will the mana drain remain proportional to my new mana pool or be based off of my unmodded mana pool?

As far as I know its percentage of your max mana, so most guides that I’ve read discourage getting SPR since potions recover fix amount, plus
SP regen is disabled when summoned monster is on field.

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Far as I can tell its the current mana (or sp) you have total (after gear is accounted for bonuses ect.)
A good strat for this is to gem alot of the ones for weapon with +Mag Atk since they also lower your max Sp amount.

They do not.
Stats come from the primary card, when you morph the secondary summon is supposed to gain the first ones stats (but that is bugged and not happening).
So just always use your primary card.

So technically if they fix this in the future it would better to set a monster card with high dex then mutate it into a templeshooter? Because the developers conveniently put high int and spr on templeshooter

Wow never thought of that. hmmm I should check those gems of mine.
BTW out of curiosity, what do alchemists do to gems?

Temple shooter has High crit rate.
Temple Shooters base attack isn’t that high but it hits twice.
Real reason to want it fixed is so that you can Switch summons while only having to level 1 card so after blowing Temple shooters strong attacks you morph it to another Summon with attacks you situationally like or which are just if not more powerful and use theirs. The way its set up right now though you still do that but you lose a lot of power on that second summon and have to wait so you can switch back to your first which kind of sucks.

currently this does not work this way in-game. When I morph from a lvl 10 Temple shooter to a lvl 1 temple shooter the damage goes down.

Kinda surprised they never “fixed” that after the cbt2. So pretty much morph is pointless then?