Tree of Savior Forum

Sorcerer Question!

Hey guys. Im planning to roll as a sorcerer and I have a few questions about stats:

I had read on a guide that when you use your summon, you lose like 1% sp / second, so I thought: Oh, lets increase SPR, something like 3:1:1 INT / CON / SPR, then I would be able to use my summons for more time. But then I read that the summon complete nullifies your regular SP regen, meaning that spending points in SPR is totally useless.
Someone can confirm this to me?? SPR is totally bad for a sorcerer? (More spr = more mana pool = more mana drain (%), and with the regen disabled it`ll be a mess)

Then should I go 3:1 INT / CON ? What is the bests stats for pve or pvp?

Thanks in advance.

not completely useless as SPR increase’s your sp cap but you need to ask yourself how long do you want the summon to be out before your sp depletes

focus on INT more I would say 4:1 as it will be your pet who gets hit not you.

it increases your SP cap but your SP drain from your demon is proportional to the increase SP… aka no difference for how long your demon can remain summoned. If you have 100 mana or 1000 mana the demon will remain summoned same amount of time, since its % per second.

The only benefit to increasing SP is the spells you cast have less effect on the total duration of your demon summon (except other % max sp spells, like psycho’s pp). Ex, with 100 mana, casting a 50 mana spell will 1/2 the amount of time the demon will be summoned, but casting a 50 mana spell with 1000 mana will not have nearly as large of an effect.

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Don’t put any SPR for Sorc.

Potion heals a fixed amount, if it heals 400 SP and you have 800 SP, you’re healed 50% SP with each potion. If you have 2k SP you only get 20% heal.

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What build you will do? What’s ur goal: pvp or pve… or both?

It only effects the summon not your other spells you are not just going to use one ability remember so you take the %+ other ability’s you have and justify how many spells you can cast wile your sp is ticking down from your summon ability.

For example ill use very rounded numbers so its easier to understand.
lets say for this maintaining a summon costs 1% sp every sec
lets say you have 1000 sp that would imply every secs you loose 10 sp
That would mean you have 1 min and 40 secs of maintaining a summon within that time frame try to aim that within 1 min that means you will be using up 600 sp to keep the summon active wile you use the other 400 sp for other spells.

Yes increasing the sp cap will also increase the sp drain but also give you more sp for your other spells its a balancing act also why would you have your summon out all the time a summon is but a tool no point keeping an AOE summon out if your going up against single targets.

Summoning cool down is 60s, so there’s generally not a lot of situations where you need it out beyond 60s duration. Keeping it alive beyond 60s rarely makes sense as you can just unsummon and bring it out again when you need it.

In CBT summoning cost was not 1% / second. more like 1% per 2-3 seconds. I can’t remember exactly and not sure about our current version.

Doesn’t Spr increase your summons def too?
Also Spr increases magic def If I remember correctly.