Tree of Savior Forum

Sorcerer Patch - Matk of the weapon influencing the Summon

Did this patch arrive itos? This patch launched months ago @ktos

Did 1 year break of gaming tos, so I didn’t watch the patch notes for.

Would be nice if a player could tell me that.

Yes, it is already here. Weapon’s Magic Attack and your total Spirit will affect summon damage.

oh thats nice - thank you! so pure summoner is viable again?

Casually, yes. But end game, i dont think so. currently a Sorc3 with pure spr and a trans 5 weapon. Damage is good but just not enough for endgame content

In what situation is it “not enough” ? My friend is a sorcerer, his summon is quite helpful even in ET… Although I suppose it depends on the summons you got (he uses Netherbovine and different Demon Lords world bosses depending on the situation).
Sure, they’re not top DPS and they don’t really have any burst, but they’re not weak anymore.

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thanks for clarifying that, looking forward for consistent damage

With a falconer present sorc can do pretty good damage on bosses as well with marnox and ts cards. Not bad at all if you add in pass and morphing etc. (Surely not the best but sorc can do a lot of stuff so doesn’t have to be. )