Tree of Savior Forum

Sorcerer is a SP bitch and very useless!

advance I apologize for my bad english.

Now to the actual topic … The Sorcerer’s a joke right ?? Not only that no information was given that he permanently SP consumed there are no opportunities to do something about.
I can understand that in the vaunted form that is so with it any AFK farmer is but why is that so if you Ride? You could ride the yes back to normal so that you turn again SP regenerated and for the use of the skills of the summons from SP are deducted pool of charackters while. That would give him no strong Buff lend primarily against other players. So in any case no Buff for burst damage … the Sorcerer would only be able LONGER fight … Any normal magician can without SP potions loose 10x times longer fight. And if it really should be or something raids later be because those fighting not only take a minute … the much longer holds the Sorcerer not … unless he is himself idly by and looks at !!

I think the whole thing is probably not … especially not when other Charaktäre in connection with the Arde make Dagger or similar car sellers make sense of the thing that hurt far more than that which can make the Sorcerer.

I hope that is rotated here again tuned!

When not riding should the SP regeneration not be stopped! The cost that you permanently lose SP are high enough. If you should ride the cost of summoning be removed completely! Since one can rather say that the skills of summoning the SP use the character.

Under the dash-it does not matter how it is done … only what needs to be done otherwise the Sorcerer is very disadvantageous in the over all others !!

ps. I apologize again for my bad english I have the Google Translator I used hope it is at all comprehensible.


Don’t use google translator. Ask a friend or the community itself to help you translate it. Can’t really make sense of what you wrote in english.

Não use google translator. Peça ajuda a algum amigo ou a própria comunidade para te ajudar a traduzie. Não dá pra entender quase nada do que você escreveu em inglês.


Okay kurz Fassung nochmal auf deutsch. Vllt. hilft mir jemand das verständlich ins Englische zu übersetzen.

Das aktuelle Design vom Sorcerer ist unbrauchbar und in allen langen Fights (also Boss Fights) ist er stark im nachteil allen anderen Magier Builds und erst recht allen Physical Klassen. Die Beschwörung macht bei weitem nicht das an Schaden was andere Klassen alleine mit ihren Autohits machen dazu kommt das der Sorcerer dafür auch noch einen abnormal hohen SP verbrauch hat. Wenn ich meine Beschwörung draußen hab und aktiv am Kampf teilnehme halte ich das ca 1 Minute durch und das kann ja nicht Sinn der Sache sein. Man kann mir auch kaum erzählen das die Klasse so gedacht ist das man unmengen an SP Tränke verwenden muss… dann wäre das mit Sicherheit einer der teuersten Klassen ingame.

Ich bitte das hier nachgebessert wird.
Mein Vorschlag war…
Wenn man nicht reitet ist es ja okay das die Kosten höher sein sollten da man selbst ja noch aktiv casten kann und sonst die Gefahr besteht das man die Klasse sonst zum AFK farmen verwendet… aber dennoch sollten hier die Kosten so gemacht werden das man länger als etwas mehr als eine Minute durchhält. 5 Minuten wären da ein gutes Verhältnis. Wenn man allerdings reitet sollten die Kosten entfernt werden da man schließlich schon keine eigenen Skills mehr verwenden kann außer kann man es ja so machen das man die Skills der Beschwörung dann mit seinen SP bezahlen muss… so wäre die spielbarkeit stark gesteigert aber nicht so gebufft das die Klasse nun einen unfairen vorteil den anderen Klassen gegenüber hat. So wäre der Sorcerer eher ein Anpassungswunder… es wäre auch wichtig mehrere Karten dabei zu haben mit man sich der Situation anpassen kann.

Hoffe das dies verständlicher ist und vllt. jemand so nett ist und das verständlich übersetzt. Danke im vor raus.

There are plenty topics in the forum thay say summoners use sp like crazy. In fact they recomend having low sp for easy recharge. That suc ks? Yes. I want a sorcerer and will be very happy if imc change that. Meanwhile we need to get used at the class game style. English is not my first lenguage. Sorry

tldr Version:

  • Summoner useless, needs to much SP and deals less damage than other classes during long fights (Bosses)
  • Summon deals less damage than autoattacks from Swordman/Archer classes
  • “one of the most expensive classes”, tons of SP pots needed


  • reduce SP cost for Summons, it should last at least 5 minutes
  • no SP cost during riding
  • Skills from Summon use SP from the Sorcerer (for balance reasons)
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Actually… Summon can stay 5-6 mins if you do nothing to SP pool.

But as you know, many user cheer up to do not invest SPR for less POT cost while choose DPS class (pyro, cryo) and spam skill for more damage.

Everyone has to drink SP pots eventually at higher levels.

The only thing with sorc is, due to the mechanics, having as low a base SP as possible is required to give you good SP management.

It goes beyond not raising spr
You should actively seek out -sp equipment

The thign is the drain is way too heavy and is % based and you have to use skills coz its impossible to completely depend on just summon making you drain sp like crazy which is what make sorc useless. Honestly summon really shouldn’t have sp cost like this defeat the whole purpose of having summon. Can easily do something like require you to be active for it to attack or else it will go into idle state if your not doing anything to prevent afk farming.

As for botter well they can bot with w/e so not like this does ■■■■ against them only make it so they use other classes rather than sorc.

Yeah you are Kind of right.

I had a Sorc/alche in cbt2. With my lvl 5alche-sp Post and no Investment in Spirit I could have my summon up and use all my pyro/linker skills with no Problem.
The Secret is: never EVER stat spirit on a Sorc (lol)

But yeah, without my alche pots and a heavy/Medium invest on spirit , I would have had a very Bad time back then.

The problem I have with Sorc is that the dumb AI is even more idiotic on c1. At least one of the Control skills should be give to it.
Lets say: attack ground c1, Hold c2 (or vise versa)

But I love the kitty and the concept of this class. Gonna make a Sorc,too. Here I come little kitty-buddy

Ps: your German sentences are chaoitic. No surprise Google translater spit out mumbo-Jumbo no one can understand. XD
Google translater is Bad anyways (my nemesis :pouting_cat: :anger:)

sorc has been buff a lot. it has been much worse in beta and early ktos and they are still great.

you have to improve sp management. summon cannot be turn on 24/7, you have to unsummon (right click on summon icon below health) and use other wiz spell to have your sp regen. only issue i have seen now is the pot price is not stabilized.

if you still have problem with sp it is yours not game design.

I have played summoner in games for more than 15 years. And yes they usually stay 24/7. Maybe put some sp time cost by card lvl every 5 mins but no eleminate sp regen or if the problem are de afk bots eliminate the ai complety. Make them passive and at summoners order (More control skills). If the summon cant be heal, cant be command to use skills, cant be command to return to me, etc. Imnot a summon master im merely a door to let him going to the world. Thats my point of view. Sorry bad english

Stop the sp reg due to people afk is stupid, ANY ■■■■■■■ CLASS CAN AFK just need a coin pressing Z, so what is the point?

No idea how people still talking about how bad is the IA, there isnt intelligence at all, a bot programmed by a 15 years old kid can do it better.

I’d say I agree with most of the OPs issues

  • and if they dont fix somthing with Sorc class all that work that they did with card system would be usless cauz only 2 classes in this game need cards and necr got same trouble with AI on sums.

Exactly like archer C3 with max kneeling shot holding down Z is much better afk farm than a sorc summon -.-

Summons would be amazing, if they let us script them like Ragnarok Homun AI

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If all sorcerer will use the same temple shooter card. There is no point of the game intend of “make your own class/stats character”. All sorcerer will do the same, with the same card (stay still because cant do magic or sp go down)