Tree of Savior Forum

Sorcerer Info Megathread

“Certain percentage” of our weapon atk

And how much is that lol >_>

Told yall Helga last skill best for aoe :stuck_out_tongue:

At the beginning of the tests was 50%, but ended up not being implemented in the final patch. Probably just implemented now.

and its sorc 2 cuz he has skeletos ;x sorc3 demon will be even better <3 so no one will tell now summoenrs are b a d ;V

my mastema hitting for 130 000 and i have 11lvl orange staff with 6 stage transmo only ;x

Daaamn, when are we getting this buff?

no one is selling helga in our server :cry:

Summon damage came from SPR and MATK right? So items like Vienarazis Staff(MATK 1273 SPR 30) and Windia Rod(MATK 1061 SPR 60), what item gives more benefit to summons? :confused:

Nope, morph is broken so if you do that your secondary summon will be weaker than if you were to just summon it in the primary slot.

Sad life when Helga’s AoE removes your party members’ magic circles so they get mad at you for taking away main DPSer’s frost cloud and pole of agony :frowning:

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Hello, I have questions about my Sorcerer Necro build I made, and was wondering if it’s any good. I’m already rank 8, and I’m starting to have some regrets about my build. I don’t have Surespell, so my Flesh Cannon gets interrupted very easily… Any suggestions on improvements, if any needed? If it isn’t good, I hope there will be another rank reset event soon… Basically, I wanted a build that had as many summons as possible, but I took Sorcerer 2 instead of Necro 3 because I like the idea of having better control of your boss summon, plus more bats. The Pyro 3 is there so I can do some damage of my own, instead of having to rely on the weak damage of the summons.

Now i’m wondering Sorc2 Warlock2 or Sorc3 Warlock1 will be good choice.
Invocation will working great with this Helga.

I’m glad i got a Helga card by luck, now everyone want to hunt it and more difficult to to hunt and get the timing.

Warlocks invocation doesn’t work when summon kills mobs D:

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Hahaha the funny thing about tht is sometimes (mostly) pt ppl doesnt know its caused by Helga and they were like “huh what happened” and im over there laughing and feeling sry at the same time xD good at canceling Raise in pvp haa

Netherbovine alternative to helga
Shorter cd and does not break magic circles


In case anyone doesn’t know about this already, you can enchant your top, bottom, and shield (if you have one) with the Enchanter Armor Buff Shops for more HP.

The buffs give you 1 CON per 20 SPR for 24 hours, and it makes you feel better about having high SPR! I get around 8k additional hp after doing just my top and bottom.

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Vienerazis Staff will in the end because of transcendence.


I’m not as familiar with Pyro as Cryo, but I have played it before so I can give you my opinion. Since you don’t have surespell, Hell Breath level 5 will be hard to use, so I would leave it at level 1. You can also leave flame ground at level 1 because its main purpose is to let you activate flare. I also like to max flare because it is a fast skill to use for high burst damage.

I’ve heard from other pyros that Fire Wall, if you learn to use it properly, is a good skill to level up because it does high damage with full hits.

Finally, you can put filler points into enchant fire for the additional damage (kinda falls off late endgame though and doesn’t apply to summons sadly), or fireball for the constant filler DPS (maybe finishing off mobs your summons haven’t quite finished).

Don’t learn attack ground because it is a worse version of hold.

Don’t get more than one point into dirty pole. You don’t need it.

This build is fine. I personally prefer Cryo3 because CC helps summons attack, but your build will have more damage so it ends up being personal preference. [quote=“nightrain_scy, post:2612, topic:188142”]
Now i’m wondering Sorc2 Warlock2 or Sorc3 Warlock1 will be good choice.

Warlock 1 is always a bad choice :frowning:

But Warlock2 will be a fine choice because mastema and pole of agony are strong DPS-wise, even with no INT.

any know when update summoning release in silute server?

We are about one month behind kTOS, and they just got the patch a couple of days ago. (Before, it was on ktest and people were mistakenly saying kToS).

Like with all updates though, NOBODY KNOWS FOR SURE except official employees :slight_smile:

guilty of having warlock 1 because i couldn’t resist the enchanter costume =w=/

and the enchantment store skill, and practically static shocking everyone in the maps with my EEEElectrictrifying presence =w=b

i can’t have that mastema passive skills but i can make 2 poles of agony at once OwO