Tree of Savior Forum

Sorcerer? help build

Is it good to just focus on Familiar skill and cat buffs for Sorc?I’m trying to build a Dark wiz which focusing on Dark skills (not a big fan of summoning and SP recovering stops)

I’m building a Wiz3> link1 > sorc1 >sorc2 > sorc3/WL, sorc3 or WL is better? Is Desmodus worth going for?
Is INT scales with Familiar’s/Desmodus’s damage or others skill of sorc beside summoning and salamion?

The short:
Not good.

The long:
Here’s why, Summon familiar is not an amazing skill. It’s good, not amazing. Also, since you’re taking link 1, you’ll only have 5 links and not exploiting that by using summons/templeshooter is really gimping yourself for no other reason.

Also you are going to have extra skillpoints no matter what you do and putting more points into Salamion is a bad idea.

So you have a choice between maxing Salamion or maxing Summon. It’s pretty clear-cut from there.

As for endgame choice, since you’re running wiz3 link, I’d suggest going WL to squeeze out as much dps as possible and still keep your QCast attribute relevant seeing as summons dont scale off MATK but your INT.

You could run Sorc3 but since I’m not a sorc3 I cant give you a complete answer, might want to wait for a Sorc 3 to answer.

You’ll have extra skillpoints.
Maxing salamion is a bad idea.
Quickcast + Warlock = omgwtfbbq everything just died.

As a sidenote, I have almost 0 downtime on my Sorc/FF so if you ran link sorc2 warlock you really shouldnt have a problem with SP. However, this means you’ll probably spend a LOT on Lv.10 SP pots. Not willing to? You’ll probably refill your sp bar in under 45s with cat buff anyway and even that is undervaluing it. ALSO, having summoning doesnt mean you have to have your summon out 24/7.

Thank you for yours opinion,
I’m not going to put points in Salamion, probably putting it in Summonning but since sorc1 has a bad AI due to no commanding, I should probabaly get sorc2?

I LOLed on omgwtfbbq everything just died, I literally can see the picture.

so if not Link1 what should I get? Currently I’m at Wiz3 and about to enter r4.

Basically my concept is to get at least sorc1 for cat buffs/familiar, I don’t know if you guys think it’s worth it or not…

Your build isnt bad tho, overall, I was merely commenting on the “not focusing on summons” thing is all.

Beyond that it will work! Even link 1 is pretty valuable as a Sorceror : D

Okay the down-low is basically this, if you want more control, take Sorc 2. This gives you a better ability to stay out of damage range when bossfighting.

This is important depending on your stats, if you’re full Int you cant take hits so it’ll probably go Quickcast > Familiar > magic missile > Summon > Command; Hold near boss.

Or if you’re feeling lucky, Quickcast > Familiar > MM > Summon > Ride > Skill 2 (On templeshooter, multishot) > Ride > Hold (to reset ai) and gtfo.


Link 1 is a good choice, go for it : D But know this, playing a sorc, thanks to us not having all the Job Ranks yet, we’re going to generally be weaker than a meta build till r9/r10. Im a cryo 3 Sorc 2 FF… and man, I really wish I took linker LOL.

I’m planning to get about 100 con then the rest to INT.
Yea so if I’m going sorc2 I’ll probably maxed Familiar, but not sure if it’s worth it or not if I’m not going to always use Summoning.

If not sorc2, what should I get?
Link2? not sure if it’s going to increase my overall DPS

For Link1 what skill should I choose first? Is Unbind necessary?

Unbind isnt necessary at all tbh… also if you’re link 1 chances are you dont use physical link anyway (it interrupts other casters whenever someoene else gets hit so… not a good thing. Also some characters are squishier.)

So yah, linker1 = Joint penalty + Hangman. The rest just dump wherever you probably wont use it that often anyway.

Max familiar is fine, again, you’ll always have enough points.

Though considering you really dislike summoning xD maybe sorc isnt the way for you. Cuz tbh thats like the only reason people go Sorc. So maybe link 2 instead?

Or if you want to max your dps out, Necro 1 WL 1 might do better for you?

Just turned Link1… I don’t feel so overpower…
What subskill should I maxed first?

Necro I heard it’s not that good… with all the corspe consumption… what do you think of necro1?

So hard to choose…

W3 + join penalty is really good damage in dungeons and leveling. Max joint penalty + hangmans, its also very helpful to summon AI so it can just hit one or two things but deal damage to 6 mobs via link.

still would rec rushing sorc 2 asap

I can refill my full SP in ~18 seconds with Servant applying all it’s buffs on the first ~13s

0 SPR, no SP rec gear, no SP gear, not that I don’t use potions, is just that when possible, bonfires are much cheaper (quests and so)

I don’t see Hangmans is worth to cast since the damage will be shared accordingly, so it’s useful just to gather mobs?

Is sorc3 worth it or better than WL?

Warlock can do a lot more DPS than sorc 3…

@DacreFullbuster this thread is about sorcerer help build isnt asking about which dps build to choose or question about warlock so ur ignorance can be shelved through the side thanks

Not everyone wants a dps or meta build

Its not always about the strongest damage , its also up to every1 own perspective , views , enjoyment , have some decency to know and respect that =S


hey ur dumb , im just talking to @nightly31 , thats not ur name, and he asked so keep ur mouth quiet =D

Chill people lol, yes WL can do more DPS I guess…
So Desmodus skill is not worth it to go for sorc3, correct?

I was wondering, can JP do extra damage if it apply on only 1 monster? (Lightning,Poison,Earth subskill)

Just go sorc 3 if u really like the class… desmodus is good but not that good for a DMG skill of r7 …

2 or + monsters I think…

now u can see all rank 8 classes c2 and think for ur self what will be the best choice

The thing is as I’ve mentioned before, I don’t really like Summoning, but I like the cat buffs/Familiar.

WL looks cool!

@DacreFullbuster ur talking about intelligence right now ? Ye he IS asking sorcerer related right ? But what did u answered ? Warlock ? I wouldnt say ur dumb , just unintelligent maybe and im not even talking , im typing with my fingers , stay pressed

@nightly31 not that i know of but i dont think JP works on only 1 monster o.o

It does. they get the debuff. Just pointless.

@nightly31 Dont forget that Hangmans Knot reduces AoE defence ratio. Again I stress that going Sorc for Familiar without summon isnt something I’d do xD

Yes… I’ve to put some thought on this… usually Summoning is used when doing bosses correct? or when do you guys use it? always?

I use it always almost 100% of the time. But I disable it when travelling.

If you do dungeons you know sometimes you have to backtrack? Basically what I do is this, if we get into a fight, I usually summon cat first (why? because thats one of the few times your group will stand together. Like it or not nobody’s gonna sit around for long. Even with attribute the cat takes too long to buff)

Then Ice tree > Summon Temple > Familiar > Hold/Riding (if I need to) and then just keep the templeshooter active while I CC things.

When we have to travel long distances (like running back the way we came) I just cancel the templeshooter. That way when we get to the next set of mobs my SP is already back to full.

During bosses I just spam Hold. Yes. Hold. Because bosses move a lot and I hate them for it. I generally dont engage unless I have to or when Ice Pike is off cd.