Tree of Savior Forum

[Sorcerer] Grimoire help


I’ve been leveling a Wizard and Planning to go Sorcerer.
I’already got all preparation like weapon to use, armor etc.
I even got a Level 7 Templeshooter.

Then just found out that you need 2 cards to insert in your grimoire.
Primary which will take the form and skills of your summon (correct me if im wrong)
Secondary which will take the stats of your summon (corrrect me if im wrong)

Prboblem is, I want my summon to be a Templeshooter so my 1st card will be my level 7 TS.
But I dont have other high level cards for my 2nd card for the stats.

Did I just waste leveling my TS? coz even it is level 7, the stats wont affect my summon?

Extra question in Skill “MORPH”:
If I use morph, will the stats of cards also swap?
card 1 and card 2
form = card 1
stats = card 2

If Morph is used.
form = card 2
stats = card 1? or card 2?

Your Summoning skill will use your first card, and the stats of the first card. The second card is only used when you cast Morph.

Keep also in mind that Morph is currently bugged, so after using morph, your summon will deal like 10-20% less damage. Better is just not to use this skill, but to have 2 different 10 star cards instead. I would propose Netherbovine for general, and TS and Necroverter(you can use Lethargy on bosses and Frost Pillar also, and you get bonus damage since necrov has strike attack) for Bossing.

is Zaura good for summoning?

I’ve explained and there are some good information here:

And here is the database of all Grimoires, the database tell a lot of things:

Basically, what you need to know:
Basic Attack Cooldown: atkspeed basically, 1s is fast attack, 3s is slow attack, but Quicken will help.
Skill Factor Ratio (%): the higher the better, and paired with x2 hit count even better
Attack type: strike can boosted with lethargy, missile can boosted with decay, you also can base on your target boss armor type to decide.
Hit Count: You can’t know from database, but you can test it or mostly youtube have show it.
Summons with 2hits (Centaurus/Marnox/Templeshooter/PrisonCutter/Necroventer/Helgasercle…etc)

As you see… elemental type is not implemented, so any elemental bonus % is not affected, all magic attack/skill are neutral.