Tree of Savior Forum

Sorcerer full bug


first, sorry for my poor english!

I come here for say how i’m frustred with this class :/…

Okay, sumon leach mana and okay, u can’t regen, while u have ur other pet who BUFF ur regen mana…?

But, when u RIDE boss, u can’t XP and kill mob don’t COUNT for achievement!?
When u summon Familiar, they can attack urself? I die 2 time this hour with this bug :o! And when there is no bug, sometime they just watch u? And wait for being kill by the boss u fight?
Boss IA is crazy and stupid!
Boss ride is too crazy and too stupid… u can’t shoot with ur mouse, he will shot in front of him and no all time!
Some time u will take damage when ride, sometime it will take damage. So u can die or not, if u are lucky, or not?
Spell’s Boss have no CD, but in fact yes? Just don’t show to us?
Boss can’t jump? So u can’t avoid some spell, and can’t go to some place?

Please, aid sorcerer… do something usefull! :frowning:


Sorc is usless with this AI with this sp eating and with this damage. Btw ALL card system is usless to other classes(only necr) so if they dont fix sorc they made a lot of work for nothing.

Because that i give up sorc, going for necro.

Wugushi uses cards too

ok 3 classes out of “total 80 classes” and 2 out of 3 doesnt work ok) very good now im happy)


i was only providing info, not attacking you

sry but im get a little burn after hours of playing to make my sorc and get what all sorc get) and this MAGIC card system) cauz 90% of drop from bosses is talt and cards that can be used only by 3 classes and you cant trade it)

no problem :slight_smile:
I can undestand your frustation.
Even Wugushi can uses only 2 of all cards in the game.

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So we got 3 classes out of 80 and 4 cards that can be used out of 116. just dont know what to say about it…

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Whatever about what card is better, you don’t need more than one anyway and even if change it there will always be a best one.

The point he said is real, the stop SP regen + % consumption is a huge deal to sorcs.

Bats should aim for any monster you attack or that attacks you and probably Bosses should do the same.

Ride has to deal damage on the summon, not you, and I don’t think you should be able to jump as bosses only jumps for skills and you can still hit them with ground based attacks during that.

Summons should be affected by players skills, atts and such, it’s a power used from the player, it should synergyze with mostly everything he does for himself.

Should get exp, achievements and whatever from boss kills riding or not.

I really believe Sorc class has potential to be a good class but is being overlooked, it really needs something for it’s second circle besides 4 level 1 control skills.

Please give it some attention staff.

@STAFF_Ethan @Staff_Julie @STAFF_Ines @STAFF_J @STAFF_John @STAFF_Shawn


I love my sorcerer so much and I don’t want to play another wizard class, BUT!!!
When other classes do damage, we are sitting near the fire or eating sp potions, a lot of sp potions! All because our sp regeneration is stop while our pet with us. I think it’s not fear! There is no motivation to boost our sp regeneration by attributes, or cat buff or equipment because all time we playing without sp regen. It’s sad. I pray that IMC will do something with it.
Maybe we need to text a big petition. Sorry for bad English.

Nah, just want a good ai for summons, other problems are much smaller than this.
You can beat sp consumption or low sork dmg with many ways, but you cant beat ai code for urself.

If the summon would just attack like it should, I wouldn’t mind the SP… but damn.