Tree of Savior Forum

Sorcerer Build?

I was thinking of making a sorcerer.
Is Wiz>Cryo3>Sorc2>Warlock2 a good build? Or would it be more beneficial to go sage instead? Do I need linker?
Also, where should I be putting my points? I’m not sure where to add spr, con, & int. I’ve found quite a lot of info on sorcerer but everyone seems to have different opinions & a lot of info seems to be outdated. :confounded:


  • Wiz>Cryo3>Sorc2>Warlock is okay, you can alternate between casting warlock high cooldown spells and riding your summon as a general playstyle but the warlock part of your build will not benefit from full SPR much
  • Sage only provides missile hole and frost pillar/bat duping, which imho isn’t that useful outside of pvp
  • Don’t need linker
  • Full SPR, otherwise summon will be gimped. Get con from equipment and enchanter armor buff

Hello, I main a Wiz1-Pyro2-Thaum1-Sorc2-WL2 Full SPR and I think you want to go for a similar hybrid summoner-dps build but here are my thoughts on possible class synergies with sorc.

stat points: FULL SPR
You need to go full SPR if you want to maximize summon damage (I think someone said +0.65% per pt of spr but I never crunched the numbers myself). Enchanter shops will give you the con you need for survivability (1 con per 20 spr for 24 hours or something that you can put on both top and bottom armor pieces) so you don’t need to put points in con, and imho points spent in INT are better spent in SPR because more summon damage, “unlimited SP” and that enchant buff for con as compared to 2 matk per point of int.

I think Cryo3 is more of a “because there’s nothing else as good” pick for sorcerer, but I think it limits you too much into relying on summon riding for damage. I also think it’s kind of a waste of investment if you go really deep with your sorc and invest in a high trans weapon, as cryo doesn’t really offer much if you had a really strong weapon. Although I say this, go Cryo3 if you want to be more on the support side alongside Sage, or be army commander type with necro2, or as mentioned just be one with your summon and see really high numbers with full riding attribute.

You don’t need linker, this was used in the past to help necro’s single target summons and corpse cannon have aoe potential but now it can’t do that anymore for skeletons due to hit limit while sorc summons have enough aoe on their own.

Why I went Pyro2-Thaum1:
Primarily because Enchant Fire and Swell Left Arm are decent early rank buffs that scale with SPR, but I didn’t realize the other benefits they gave until later when I really tried the class. Enchant Fire gives “just a flat damage boost” but you actually have a lot of multihit skills in your arsenal that can benefit well from this (Fire Pillar, Fire Wall, Flame Ground, Summon Familiar, Dark Theurge, Pole of Agony, Mastema with this build path). Swell left arm essentially gives you a 1:1 matk scaling with your SPR, so each point of SPR will now add half the matk INT would’ve added if you went INT. INT from equipment will also gain an additional 1 matk per point so you’re not too far off from a full int build with no swell arm buff. Both Enchant Fire and Swell Left will have a set 5 minute duration soon, so you won’t need to recast them over and over when that patch hits which is probably the biggest problem with swell level 5. Finally as a cherry on top, you get to have swell body to double the item and silver drop of the occasional silver and gold shiny mobs you’d randomly run across.

Going sage with cryo3 sorc2/3 is mostly just for 2 things, missile hole and micro dimension on ice pillar and bats. The issue with duplicating bats though is that if all the original bats explode, the duplicates will all disappear as well so I don’t really think sage is a good enough pick for sorcerer in general. For PvP Sage is probably a must have though

You didn’t mention necro but might as well, the main benefit of necro to a sorcerer is the decay debuff that dirty pole and shoggoth gives to increase missile damage. What this means is you’ll essentially be stuck with templeshooter as a summon unless new better missile type demon summons come out. Templeshooter is actually not bad as a general use summon, but I think Netherbovine excels more when it comes to mobbing (fast auto attack that doubles as cc with minor knockback) while Necroventer is best for raw dps (benefits from lethargy blunt bonus damage, really fast auto attack that can do up to 2 full damage hits, unlike templeshooter or rexipher for example which do 2 hits but at roughly half damage compared to other single hit summons).

I think just warlock alone doesn’t really synergize with sorc well, but it’s either this or wiz3-ele3-sorc2 if you want to go hybrid summoner-dps. Going the wiz3-ele3 route will give you 0 synergy with a full spr build, but at the same time you get to bypass the warlock problem of having only dark spells which deal reduced damage to all the superior bosses. That being said, I think if you want to have cryo3-sorc2 in your build warlock will be like a stand alone class with not much synergy to sorcerer, but benefits just as much from having cryo3.

I have a few videos in my youtube channel (same username) if you need some video reference, just replace fire with ice if you want to imagine going the cryo3 route instead


I’m building full SPR

wiz 2, link1, tauma 3, sorc 2.

I’m Pyro2-Thaum1 too.

Totally agree with your points on Swell Left and Swell Body. I used to be Link1 but IMC nerfed JP really, really hard, so I switched, and I’m loving it.

Did you max out your Enchant Fire? Did you invest in Flare at all?

Templeshooter is actually not bad as a general use summon, but I think Netherbovine excels more when it comes to mobbing (fast auto attack that doubles as cc with minor knockback) while Necroventer is best for raw dps (benefits from lethargy blunt bonus damage, really fast auto attack that can do up to 2 full damage hits, unlike templeshooter or rexipher for example which do 2 hits but at roughly half damage compared to other single hit summons).

Hehe, I’m glad I never sold my Netherbovine and Necroventer cards from way back when they used to drop like crazy from the game’s first few quests.

I maxed enchant fire and fire wall, only put 1 point in fire ball, flame ground and fire pillar because they don’t scale well with levels and put the remaining points in flare. Though, I am considering dropping flare completely and just using the points on fire pillar since I rarely get to use it.

typical sorc build now is wiz1 cryo3 sorc2 necro2. sorc is not really good againts boss so no need to worry about boss knocking your skeletons.

this sorc build is best againts mobs / wave

of course no other cards except netherbovine to use againts wave control. and necroventer or rexi for boss if you want. cards againts boss doesnt really matter bc this build is for mobs/wave clear

Fire Pillar has bigger AOE if maxed out at 5, doesn’t it?

You don’t get to use flare much? That’s odd… from my experience I get to use it very often. Salamion, Fireball’s debuff, Fire Wall, and Fire Pillar… they all make the mobs burn, and Flare’s aoe feels pretty big since it hits mobs like three steps away from my char. The only problem is, well, getting said mobs to burn. Fireball just isn’t very consistent – statistics loves to mess with me. :grimacing: If only it was more than 50%…

At the moment I’m running on 6 Enchant Fire and 7 Flare. Unless I take away points from Fire Pillar and Fire Wall, I’m only gonna have 13 points to play with. I’m not sure how else I can optimize my build some more…

I don’t get to use it much because I’m usually busy keeping buffs up and rotating the others spells, it’s very rare that I am able to unload everything else cleanly during superior bosses cause of all the knockdowns, interruptions and dodging of deadly attacks etc. (I use flame ground and flare last in my rotation). As for mobbing, flare hits around 3 enemies max I think and netherbovine’s normal attack is just as strong as the damage of flare so I usually don’t even bother casting lol.

EDIT: fire pillar level 1 has a pretty big aoe already so I don’t think it gets bigger anymore? I haven’t personally tried a higher level fire pillar

Isn’t there going to be a patch that’ll extend Enchant Fire and Swell Arm to five minutes? Must be all those spells in your roster then lol. I’m running a Necro2, soooo there’s nothing much for me beyond the Pyro skills, riding, and FC.

Isn’t Flare’s damage being = to one normal attack by the summon a good thing? Netherbovine’s normal attack has a big aoe but it doesn’t take away the aggro from you all the time. I find myself using Flare in those situations since by then all the other pyro skills are on cooldown…

And wait, Flare hits just 3 enemies? THREE? :hushed: Damn.

yes I will probably find time to dump flare when the buff durations get adjusted lol. Then again flare actually casts pretty fast so it’s not a bad filler, I’m just a lazy person haha