Tree of Savior Forum

Sorcerer 2018 Questions

Hi all,

I am getting back into ToS since leaving about a month after early access. I’ve been trying to pick up where I left off, but from what research I have done it sounds like there have been a number of changes.

A little background: my original build was planned for Wiz1/Pyro1/Link2/Sorc2 (hadnt decided on an r7 at the time). This was I believe when near full INT was the preferred route.

I finally hit Sorc1on this character, but it sounds like any sorc build (c1 or 2) warrants full SPR for scaling these days. Am I right on this?

I’m also trying to grap my class choices - I have seen a number of builds with Sorc c1 which previously I dont think was viable (it was c2 or bust iirc), as well as less synergy between pyro/linker and sorc. Is there a more preferred setup before hitting the sorc trees?

I’m probably going to follow the shadowmancer 2 route afterwards - and debating sorc2 vs lock 1 - but Im having a hard time understanding the nuances between those choices these days as well as preferred pre-sorc classes. Up to date resources seem hard to find, so I appreciate any insight you can offer!

If you want the pet to be relevant and do damage, yes, you will need as much SPR as possible.

A lot of people like Cryomancer3, I prefer Linker. Cryomancer3 will lose its worth to summoners in the next content update and all of the Wizards are being changed heavily, so the meta might shift then.

as of now, if you want to maximize your damage as a sorc, you would want to have a high SPR 1h mace or rod and high spr dag/shield for summoning, then switch to a staff (preferably with high enhancement and transcendence) to be able to scale your summons attack to it. since staff gives much more Matk than rod/1h mace.

right now there are alot of viable choices to put sorc into, since one of it’s advantages is that it lures mobs, here are one of the few builds that is good with sorc (preference) that also gives you good dps:


since sorc is only available starting at rank5, ranks 2-4 is most probably based on your preference, because they are only filler classes, whichever classes at ranks 2-4 fits your playstyle, then go for it.

Thanks for the feedback guys! Swapped my stats to all SPR and can definitely see the difference on my summon.

Currently eyeing this as a build based on the above, am I making any egregious mistakes?

i go for 2 INT 1 SPR 1 CON ratio with mine since i have more skills to rely than just my summon

If you ever plan on doing some theorycrafting with your Sorc, every point you put in SPR increases your summon’s base damage by approx. 0.3%.

Also, if you’re up-to-date with the upcoming wizard rebalance patch, then consider:

  • Thaum1 for the attribute that increases summon damage by an additional 10% when you use Swell Left Arm. IIRC it’s applied multiplicatively on top of summon’s innate SFR and your SPR bonus.
  • Sorc3 for the attribute that strengthens either ice or fire damage when you have an ice or a fire element monster equipped on your grimoire. (Froster Lord is currently better than marnox for bossing and is also effective in farming if you don’t mind the slow cast animations and the dangers you’re consequently exposed to.)
  • Cryo3’s Frost Pillar will become just like Pyro2’s Fire Pillar: no more pull effect, just cc and damage. Snowball will be transferred to Cyro2 and the max number of targets you can entrap in the snowball is multiplied by 5.

(Source: Pastebin)

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I believe that attribute was removed for now.

Increased by 5. Not multiplied.

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Thanks for the correction.