Tree of Savior Forum

Sorc & SP Regen

Anyone else feel like if sorcerers kept their SP regen (or maybe had it halved instead of fully disabled) it would make up for the poor AI and controls of the summon?

I love my summon a lot, but besides enabling me to be lazy I could be doing slightly more damage using my SP for spells (wiz-wiz-wiz-ele), without the downtime at all.

So summoning feels like a crutch.

Summoning is a potion chug mechanic.


I would rather they fix the AI and double the tether range so summons can be farther away before they start to follow. Also they need to tone down the black fog effect on Flammidus so i can actually see her rather than an inky blob when summoned.

Agree with you entirely. Having SP drain is terrible feeling. Feels like a wasted skill.

I think the goal they had in mind was making it impossible/very hard to just afk somewhere with your summon out.

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I can agree with not making Sorcs able to AFK, but surely there’s a way to do that without making Sorcs unable to use their skills due to the SP drain.

Why not a set duration on the summon? 5 minutes at most, so you have to resummon every five minutes.

But yeah I also agree that the tether range is an issue. Summons should be able to attack while moving in the first place, too.

Then Necro comes around with Shoaggoth…

I’m playing as a Cyro3>Chrono3 and currently Cyro2 and I drain my SP really fast it’s annoying. Not having a built in mechanic to recover SP is not the greatest idea.

Every 20 seconds you regen some sp.
You can sit down to lower that to 20
and place a campfire to drop it to 5
or just drink some potions.