Tree of Savior Forum

Sorc + Necro and?

Hi, i see many Sorc-Nec-Bokor
Bokor seens to do lot of damage, but i was thinking in other options like Featherfoot (Im a solo player and this look like to have a good sustain and dps) someone who play with faetherfoot can tell me if is worth? or some other class for cc or debuffs

Depends on what you prefer, Bokor will give you dps and cc (Bwa Kayiman will immobilize the enemies and Damballa will blow them with his explosion), Featherfoot will give you dps and survival (while flying you evade melee and floor damage, plus you can heal yourself).

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I use Pyro with this build. I find the all-summon build to be pretty boring when grinding, and ineffective when bossing. With Pyro, I can buff my summons further, aoe, cc, and dps. And yes, there is synergy. Great Corruption boosts Fire dmg taken.

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For summoner+Pyro build, what’s your skill build on the Pyro? Max Enchant? Fireball or Flame Ground?

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Bokor is good because of crowd control and short cooldown Damballa burst. In future there will be an attribute that prevents Damballa knock back which makes it better. Also, having more summons is always a plus. It is also an easy build because all you need to do is spam your debuffs on monsters and your summon will do a lot of the work

Featherfoot is good because in future corruption will boost poison skills which is Featherfoot’s main element. The changes in ktos made Featherfoot a lot better, and make it’s dps much stronger.

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If you play solo, why do you build your character like a bot? Sorcerer and Necromancer are the most boring classes to play because all you do is keep your summons and some buffs/debuffs up.
If that’s all why even play this game…

Yes FF has some use, but to be honest, I found the FF gameplay rather dull and stupid.
If it wasn’t for pairing it with Psychokino and Thaumaturge back at Rank 9 I would’ve suffered a lot playing it, but on that build it was kinda fun to play because I had skills to group and disable enemies and buffs/debuffs to boost my damage output.

Having FF as your only active Class and that at a point where your summons will spread out enemies, making it very hard to hit multiple targets with you Featherfoot skills, you will suffer from the lack of AoE skills and/or cc to deal with them, I doubt that you will enjoy playing FF.

Given the interaction of Necro and FF, you might want to exchange your Sorcerer for something else to help Featherfoot, or you’ll keep playing Necromancer/Sorcerer, and Featherfoot will just be a pass time to kill the boredom of being a summoner…

I wouldn’t recommend FF right now
But after the update the class is really good, wait till they implement the update here, I am sure it will be worth it

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Im Nec-Sorc-Pyro, it’s good to have extra aoe damage on ground while i run from the mobs

Here im using Max Enchant and Max Flame Ground

Thanks for the tip o/

I will test bokor soon, Thanks for the tip o/

“If you play solo, why do you build your character like a bot? Sorcerer and Necromancer are the most boring classes to play because all you do is keep your summons and some buffs/debuffs up. If that’s all why even play this game…”
There are things that people like and some do not like, I like to have an army doing things for me because I like to play alone and I can do everything on my own.

It was a good tip on FF, I researched a lot about the class and I think it needs something to pull all the mobs in one place

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