Tree of Savior Forum

Sorc boss card stats


Before ill start and get myself killed by you guys throwing stones in my face…ive asked uncle google but he didnt give me a straight answer.

Do boss cards have the same stats (raw stats on card not adding sorsc stats to them for dmg/def)? Im thinking about geting ( and maxing to 10 stars) one of those cards : Werewolf,Flammidus,Lepus (because they look cool and shadows should look nice too ;]). But if every card has different stats (not looking at attack type it its melee range aoe or whatever) ill need to rethink it.

Thanks for all info

sad for you only Temple Shooter is good for this class.
to answer the q : Yes, Boss has different stats.

so thanks to not working AI sorcs are limited to wold boss card only ? damn its sad…do you know any site which will had bos cards stats ? can be kr site ( uncle google will translate it somehow ;])

Check out the Summoning section of my guide:

holy ■■■■ great work it helped me a lot ;] well it seems ill be farming like mad bosses to max one card…and then to max sub card (if theyre still adding stats to main card)

All cards have diff stats, auto attacks, and skills.

Sadly Sorc can only summon demons as well, which takes quite a few of the boss cards out of their possible summon list.

As @frould said, Temple Shooter is the go-to summon for Sorc due to how much better it is compared to every other option.

and what do you guys think (in future after some fixes) about other summons rather than Shooter ? im a person that plays 2-3 h max in week days due to work so maybe they will fix that pet AI when ill get my hands on sorc

I’d love to see more variety and better summon AI, but it isn’t up to me. Temple Shooter is not the easiest card to get, so maybe it is intended that it is superior to others. It makes it so that there’s little variety on the class though.

One of the issues is that since the cards are all based on the bosses themselves, IMC can’t really make up new skills and auto attacks for them. I guess the only thing they could do is tune stats, but that doesn’t fix the issue that Temple Shooter has one of the best kits out of all the bosses.

Chapparition and Harpeia are other nice cards.
Didn’t test Dullahan and Ellaganos extensively, can’t talk about the new ones.

Chapparition would probably be my go-to if not for Temple Shooter. That or Necroventer.

It was actually pretty easy. I got 4 of it.

well i like summoer class but i didnt play them if they had only one type of summon…i like my chars to be original or different(im usualy plating classes or build that are not popular and i dont know why im doing this xd) thats why its hard for me to wel…adapts to one route ;] im looking at summons in this order:
1 looks
2 stats
3 attack type ;]

btw IMC could make that drop rate bigger…only 2 classes atm can use them…and i dont see anyone playing cards…well they either dont have them or are not interested so idk what stops IMC to make them more available for others even if theyre not tradable ( and we need a lot of them to upgrade )

Not the easiest. You get most other cards simply by questing. Temple Shooter requires you to find the field boss and help killing it, then get it out of the box. Some people actually struggle getting it, or at least they did during iCBT.

My friend gave me a dullahan and cerberus card, both being world bosses and both are really bad IMHO

edited my typos

Question - what does the secondary card do? I read in another guide that it added stats to the primary, but I don’t see any difference.

anyone knows good place or guides how to farm boss cards ? Field bosses are well “rare”(4h spawns and we dont have any timer in game for them ;]) and you need to be in a party that makes the highest dmg (and i dont have a luck for that heh;/) and normal bosses ( sadly we cant fight them again) didnt give me a single card from drop;/

How do you get the Werewolf Card? o3o

what about throneweaver card? I tested and i think is a good one (AoE critics), but i’m just lvl1 class as sorc xD so idk

I would like to have something different from the rest (and i’ve been three weeks hunting for TS card and still nothing)

Thanks and sorry for bad english

people have commented before on different threads, that until you get templeshooter, you can use throneweaver necroventer and chapparition for various reasons.

do you know if boss ride skills have magic element properties?