Tree of Savior Forum

Sorc 2 / Necro1? Or Sorc1 / Necro2?

Is sorc 2 worth it if I wanna go necro?

I just want the “hold” and “attack ground” spell because the TS is amazingly dumb at sorc 1.

Will it waste my R6? I just plan to use this for PVE and some GVG. Will Sorc1/Necro2 be better than Sorc2/Necro1?

(I plan to pick something else at R8)

PS I am Cryo3 btw.

Sorc 2 is better with Cryo 3, and do not plan to go for necro 1 if you are not going to be a necro 3, it’s quite useless.

Sroc 2 + Cryo 3 = Put your tree down, mount your TS and cast its skill, better synergy than sorc 1.

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Thanks for the reply. What’s a good class after Sorc2? Synergy wise?

There are 3 options

  • Sorc3 - maximize the summon
  • Link1 if you want to go full support - though for me it’s a waste
  • Warlock1 - an extra filler for dps - quite good for pvp too due to shield.

Is C1 Shoggoth really bad for PVE?

Sorc3 necro1… is good, taking necro1 just for dirty pole. :slight_smile:

Honestly Sorc2-Necro 2 feels ok, Necro 2 gives u a nice boss nuke every 20-30sec, and Hold/Atk ground keeps your main pet from leaving fights if you need to dodge stuff.

sor2 is great but not with necro1

just necro3 or no necro at all

take warlock2 if u already get sorc2

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Thank you. You guys rock!

Dont listen them. Necro3 is PvP only, and only vs very serious gear and with psy2 at least. Necro3 disables atk,def and mdef from equipment. Skeletons are meat shield only, the deal almost no damage.
Necro1 can tripple your dps from Temple Shooter when we get fix from ktos. Necro can put 2 different decay 1 from Shoggoth, 1 from FC or DP(this 2 are same) and they stack with each other, so you get +200% damage for Temple Shooter. For PvE go Cryo3-Sorc2-Necro1-Sage1, this will be pretty good when we receive the buffs. Sorc3 is useless for now.
So, I would say for PvE necro1 is enough, unless they improve this class like they did it with Sorc2(TS is now missile attack and gets up to 2x your matk as damage), there is no point going necro2 and 3 beside for afk farming.

nah necro 3 is not that worth it. The only one you get is level 15 flesh cannon and flesh hoop. Skeletons and archer is bs. The other skills are a joke also especially flesh strike.

I think this is how warlock 3 will end. Level 15 dark theurge and mastema or even pole agony. We get bs summoning attributes which is only useful for low level maps.

Necro 3 and warlock 2 is in a pretty bad state right now.

Thank you for your reply. I figured I will be using this 80% PVE and 20% PVP/GVG. I will follow your advice.

Btw, is shoggoth C1 bad for afk farming?

You will use 10x more money on electricity then you will obtain silver. So no, 10k silver per hour not worth it.
When you become Sage, here are your 20% for PvP/GvG. Before it - cryo3(without psy3) is mostly quite bad and easy to avoid, but as a sorc build, there are no other options. This is PvE class, period.

My advice is don’t get Sorcerer!

After sorc patch this class might become interesting and strong. But as of now - yes, it is usefull only for +5aoe atk ratio buff.