Tree of Savior Forum

Sooo yeaaaa.... that's a lot of cubes

Gonna throw my two cents on this, that I haven’t said already and this is probably the mindset people have.

So back when I was first playing I was leveling a character and saw a world boss spawn in the map I was grinding/doing quests in. I thought this was a neat mechanic and I immediately jumped in the cluster of players to attack and kill the boss and then I was very confused when I saw only some people get loot and guess what… I wasn’t one of them. This led to me thinking at first… “Maybe a glitch since I joined late?”

Later found out the boss loot system goes in favor of the top 6 DPS(Kindly corrected). So then what if all those players are in the same party? Decided to research this, turns out in that case they’d all get additional cubes… this steamed me and made me give up on boss loot because I’m not going Fletcher, I’m not going a cookie cutter build for DPS… I’m playing a class I figured I’d enjoy and like to use. I’m not building to get maximum DPS, I’m building in a way I’d like what I use but still be able to dish damage.

Spread the word about this crap? You’ll lose support especially with how world boss drops are already rare but the cubes are all going to the same boss hunters. Like someone should just straight up tell every wiz who wants to go Sorc. “Don’t bother.” because they can’t get those cards they need without the risk of being scammed.

A lot of people playing probably aren’t aware how stupid the world boss system really is. Not to mention when the waves of free players rush in, they’re not gonna be too happy about this either. (RIP Potential customers.)

Thanks for pointing that out. I will ask the person myself and confirm some things. :slight_smile:


Top 6, and their respective party members. So 6 parties at max, and that is only if those 6 DPS are distributed in 6 different parties. That is why it is pretty messed up.

That’s even worse then… going back and editing that then.

Care to post a link to that piece of info? Just curious :slight_smile:

A meta 260 DPS would die to any world boss that had a decent AI and stat outside just increased HP without a real party. Obviously at some point players have to scale up and be able to almost solo them, but that is pretty much what i think.

What im trying to point out, is that the BOSSES are not hard enough to punish, the lest just zerg. Obviously this is on the case of 1-2 party camping it with no tanks, etc…

The post by Meme asks about it, someone who does world bosses apparently confirmed it… Unfortunately the posts I researched also say the same info, nothing is proven but we’re taking the word of the players who camp bosses.

Thanks for the link but I couldn’t find the part where anyone is saying there would be extra cubes in that situation. Am I just blind? :confused:

Just scroll down a bit it’s one of the first replies, Memes asks [quote=“Memes, post:6, topic:219901, full:true”]
So if people wisely distribute the 6 dps characters among the 6 parties (which is unlikely), the boss will drop 30 cubes?

[quote=“Veritas, post:12, topic:219901, full:true”]
Correct. On the inverse, if five of the top contributors ended up in one party, and the sixth was just a straggler who managed to land in top six solo, only six cubes would drop. That situation is far less likely to happen though, especially again with the shift towards supports in these encounters.
[/quote] is a response to that question.

Veritas later also says it may be top 5 players and not top 6.

But that player only confirms that he thinks the minimum is 6 cubes and it happens in a situation where 5 of the top damage dealers are in the same party and one is going solo. He doesn’t say anything about additional cubes being rewarded in that situation.

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Eh I guess that much is true… maybe someone who actually does this all can confirm for us… Right now though this system sounds and seems really flawed though :disappointed_relieved:

He/she does not need to do any damage… there are 2 Fletcher in the party haha

Why don’t you just put the world boss in dungeons and make it a raid. -cringe-

You can’t and will not be able to balance this crap. Just stick the world boss in a dungeon. Literally you can reuse any of the old dungeons and just stick them in there. Make the dungeon count toward your daily limit if you must.


All camping parties do is discourage players to participate.

Really just let the 5 player party solo it at this point. They’ll take longer and die a few times hopefully

that would be the case if she was a healer, but no shes a cryo/pyro/linker with shitty equips…

I believe they pass the party DEX which does raise their DPS (for bursts of 30 seconds at a time). They are also a Necromancer too.

No it was not. The only reason I posted this thread was mainly because I thought it was crazy how he had so many cubes. I admit though, as I have admitted before, I am somewhat salty the way the boss drop system is set up and that it FEELS like the top guilds control the market for certain items. Again, this is subjective so I understand. Some people may support the system and I have nothing against them.

I personally had a bad experience with Jace when I tried to buy a Dullahan fragment off of him but I guess that doesn’t warrant flaming him in particular.

You seem like a great and nice guy, I apologize on behalf of the hate. If any of my prior messages sounded like flaming, I also apologize for that.

I talked with one of your guild members in particular and he was a great and kind guy “His ign was Courage”.

Not sure why everyone keep saying he got carried in world boss fight.

I am not here to justify any of his actions, since I party with him before in dungeon run, and from my experience he will not hesitate to leave the dungeon anytime for the world boss.

But I have to say his build is quite legit, especially with two fletchers on his team. Fletchers are currently one of the most op world boss dps in the current meta. Regardless of his gear, he can provide a lot more than you think with his umbilical cord and full dex build.

I mean you can say he pretty much need to be carry when he is leveling, but he is definitely nowhere near useless in world boss fight once his build is complete.

So if you are interested in world boss fight but doesn’t want to spend anything on improving your gear, you can roll for a linker c3 / chronomancer, since they have the lowest gear requirement.

This is quite sad indeed…

I don’t mind a timer system like RO had(which was still full of flaws), that fluctuated by an hour or so, but the way it is in ToS is awful. Does it benefit the life-less? sure… not a big deal. If they want to spend all hours of the day making money in a game, more power to them.

However, it is going to negatively affect the majority of the player-base. It is only making the rich richer and allowing specific players to essentially manipulate the market of these items.

This will end up killing the game faster and more painfully than any bot, silver-sellers or exploit will ever do, mark my words.


Reading your well thought out post made me realize… I just want to go back to tos and play some more. :joy: