Tree of Savior Forum

Soon I'll be quitting :(

Hello Saviors!

I have lots of fun playing TOS, the rank/class system makes me enjoy creating lots of alts to play with.
I’m playing with my friends who also purchased Early Access product because of the hype given to us by this game, we have lots of fun, sharing builds, items and ideas but suddenly we felt bored now :neutral_face: the hype of updates we are currently looking forward on kTOS patch doesnt apply on this server, every week I always update my friends on facebook about what happen to kTOS and still we are here always doing quest and just PvE etc. No TBL, boring duel system, No Party vs Party PVP, GUILD NEUTRALITY (No Guild War), Every tuesday is always a Minor Patch like yesterdays patch, we dont even fix Bots and server still lags, the Client optimization patch doesnt even take effect. Hey! we need some thrilling experience, not just Killing mobs and doing quest, this leads many of my friends aren’t online for about 4 days now and I think they are thinking the same way as me, sooner I too will be quitting :sob:

Thanks TOS and IMC for this experience, maybe by a chance we will go back playing if the server is worth playing again.

They announced the other day that we’ll be getting the updates faster after they merge the transfer servers for kToS and our version later this month.So I suggest to at least keep checking back here for updates.


that’s what’s important…



Yes, I’ve always check the updates and announcement and thats what I’ve always report to my friends but now they are not active of our TOS conversation, I think they’re fed up :frowning:

Well you can’t really help how they feel,it’s entirely up to them.All you can really do is tell them what is coming up and hope it revives their interest in the game.


Usually when we play RPG, we lasts for 1-2 years but its only 3 months and they are already quitting. this makes me feel sad, our Guild is also boring, no Guild war and less guild chat and events.

Take your time and come back when you feel like it… no need for fuzzy or ninji…

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Yeah, for now Im also fed up leveling and questing, hopefully we can still regain the hype of playing TOS.

IMC plan to merge the data of KrToS with IToS this months
so maybe it will take 1-3 more week

it will be good for people since it contains balance and pvp
but that 's what they say maybe it will take longer or much longer


people keep rushing things and yet they think it’s just like “magic” to implement things w/o proper procedures…hey im a casual gamer but if i hooked by the game…im considered hardcore (playing 8-18hrs per day during summer vacation but now…school days started so less playing)

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We only want a thrilling experience not just Killing mobs and questing. kTOS has been active for their TBL and Guild war, and yet we only have nothing, we only have ‘GUILD NEUTRALITY’ which makes the Guild less enjoyable. Why don’t we have TBL on CBT until now? :slight_smile:

if they rush… we gonna see more bugs then ever… and maybe even lose some player’s data in their hamster server…

If they don’t rush,however, players will prob just drop the game and move on XD… at least thats what i did… i just hang around in the forums for fun

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well…that’s what makes me keep playing the game… “exploring the world map and searching for hidden treasures” but since the class that i like is currently broken, and the isp/lag issues…i’ll just lie-low for now, waiting for announcements and may surprise players to keep the hype up.

the problem is they use different code in Kr vs Inter so it take much time to update things
that’s what the most clever things i have heard from IMC

Don’t kill me please.

We need a “I QUIT” Section on the forums… =.=


Try to play a few games to fill the gap. I’m also waiting for the bigupdate that they mention on the last Q&A.

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^This…either u drop the game… or you do something worthwhile other than playing and come back later to see whats new…whether its an improvement or a failure…

I’ll miss this guy though…


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