Tree of Savior Forum

Somethings I think should be have an attention

First, I have 60 played hours.

-> About Wizard
I am playing as Wizard’s classes. So I think the damage of many skills are too low. It’s THE MAGIC CLASS… I guess it should have more damage.
Ice barrier of Cryomancer: it should take the damage, stopping the damage. It could be a protective skill like a BARRIER should do.

-> Team Name
What is the point of having a team name that doesn’t exist and a character names that does’t exist too? If the the name of character isn’t shown on the chat, i don’t see a reason to have it.
One more thing, when you pick a name to your team, the game says you will be able to change it later, but I found out that it just can be did with Token. And it’s not cool.

-> Prices of Attributes
It is too expensive and the money, in the game, is hard to earn.

-> FPS and Graphics
I don’t know why, but sometimes my game plays with 15FPS and sometimes with 120FPS. It is a big thing. Some people should not like this, I just don’t like it when it happens when I am battle.
I think I can write this here too: Sometimes the game don’t load the maps, and sometimes the game freezes and, many times it happened, I died. It may can let people angry on high level game.

-> Controller Settings
I tryed to use a Xbox360 controller to play, but I have some problems. There is no way how to acess inventory, skills … nothing with controller. I’d love to play with a controller. I think it also should let player set up the controllers buttons. In my point of view, there is no way how to play with a controller appropriable.

-> Mouse mode
When you use the mouse mode, there is some places you can’t click to “use” the NPC. An example the teleport statue at middle of Orsha.

-> Show some NPCs to new players
The NPC that reward the players when you complete 100% exploration or kill some new moster, i think it’d be nice to show to new players that it exits. I just discored it when I was level 60.

-> Getting a new class
I think it’d be nice if when you get a new class (or circle), you get something to reset your skills. This iten could be non-trade. But it helped a not when you are trying to found out what your class can do.

-> BOTs
I know this game got a lot fame because it is the substitute of Ragnarok. But I didnt think the BOTs would be brought too. I already saw people selling Silver around the cities! Dont let it happen please! The game economy will go to the hole, and a big hole. Don’t let happen what happened to Ragnarok.

-> Final Comments
My final opinion is: the game is good. I was expecting more, but I things can be fixed yet. I loved the class system, but i think the damage have to be worked on, as I said on Wizard topic here. Graphics are amazing! I loved that. I did not say about the LAG (that is HUGE), because i think it’s because it’s not a official server yet.
I am loving playing this game, but somethings could be the reason for I leave the game later.

I’d love the game’s staff take a look at this points I pointed, please.


About wizard
Cryomancer is a pvp orientated class that synergizes well with psychokino, rune master, and a few more. Its more about CC than damage. That being said, some skills like gust and subzero shield and ice blast are indeed pretty terrible. However as a CC class, you shouldnt expect high damage.

Proces of Attributes
Just fine as it is. I wouldnt worry about not having enough silver at lower levels. You dont need high attribute to progress. The main purpose of attributes is to keep early class skills on-par with higher class skills for a short while, until you get rich enough to upgrade the later ones too.
In case youre curious about silver income, lv 100 you get about 20k/ hour (since you dont really farm at this point). lv 150 you get about 50-70k/ hour. lv 200 you can get around 100k/ hour. That, in addition to dungeon rewards/rare loot etc… at least you wont be starving for silver.


New Class
Not sure what you mean by resetting your skills. If you are talking about higher circles of the same class, you can save a few skill points before changing class. That way, you will immediately be able to allocate points into the higher tier skills. A bit of forward planning i guess.

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I understood about wizard, thanks.

About the team name, you sure have a point here, but I still think it is not necessary.

About money to get the attributes, I saved a lot money, but it is never enough.

Moude mode: I already am change to keybord mode to some interaction bugs, but it can be fixed, because it’s not cool to be changing the controllers mode everytime. And the Orsha teleport, when you use mouse mode, it’s hard to click at the statute, I am already used to, but…

About the class reset: What I ment was, when you get, for example, lvl 100 or 120 you can use a skill reset that just reset your skill points. The class or circles you picked, should be the same (because I think it is a feature of the game).

About the BOTs, I am just worried about the economy of the game. I dont know about the another Ragnarok’s servers, but when they started to sell zenys there, the game became boring. Itens are expensive and, for you play in high levels, you will need to buy zenys or ROPs. It’s for brazilian ragnarok’s server.