Tree of Savior Forum

Someone placed this in the Memo

Really old stuff.

inb4 hentai weps

sex sells

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Is it possible to do this with Squire/Pardoner shops? I’ve seen a squire shop with big font, bold and pink text. His shop stood out among the sea of other competitors.

I’d sell for 7m for the uniqueness. :^)

It’s really easy to do and it isn’t an add-on.

I have 2 questions:

  • is it legal?
  • how can we do it?
    (if the answer of the first question is NO, i dont care about the second one). :expressionless:

FYI: This bug is the same as the bug that lets you change font styles of chat messages - and so will result in a perma-ban if you abuse it.

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I’m not trying to be mean but can you elaborate on how this will result in a ban? What part of this violates the rules? I understand that huge disruptive chat messages would cause a ban, but changing a memo…?

This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.

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I think the rule being violated is “abusing bugs for your own benefit”. Someone who used bold text to recruit for their guild was perma-banned for it, so there is a precedent in place now:

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Greetings Savior!

Thank you for contacting us!

We apologize for the inconvenience this issue have brought. We highly appreciate your inputs and insights regarding to Tree of Savior. We will forward this problem to our proper department for further review.

If you have any other concern, let us know and we’ll gladly assist you.

Once again, thank you so much for your support and report.

Your Faithfully, STAFF_MAX

OMFG this is the greatest post .

Calm down, it’s just a robot reply. IMC is testing forum bots now to automatically reply to people here.

No :slight_smile:

It’s me, STAFF_MAX


wow there is a moderator in this forum. i thought this is forum is govern by nobody and you can do anything in it.

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BTW regarding this

Accounts banned for UI addon use

you should know human beings are stupid they do something like this

Stupid Human Being

now treat the zoo as ToS, lions as addons and stupid human as a player.
can you imagine it?

what im trying to say is you got to give a list of bannable addons to the players. so those stupid humans will know what is dangerous to them.

It might look like an exploit, it’s not exactly hard to do. Though the client blocks you from typing { and } into a message… you can just push both keys at once and it will work. I would feel really bad if someone got banned over it.

Who said it was a problem?

How do I put Market Manager Logi in my Memo? He’s my Husbando.