Tree of Savior Forum

Some Tips that would make the game even better

Okay, i’ll split this into numbers, to be easy to understand.

1 - A mute Button for the Silver Sellers bots.

Well, it seems that doesn’t matter how much we use the “Report Bot” button, even more of that vermins will appear.

My suggestion is a “Mute Button”, that will of course mute the player and will ask for a reason, which will show up like “Silver Seller Spam, Chat Abuse, inappropriate language” , this would help the staff and the players, which without the silver spams will ease the lag in the main cities.

2 - New Pets/Companions

A serious case in this game is: The Companions are too overpriced due to the reason that they’re used to mount, but, not every class has the ability to mount them, turning the price too “unworthy” to buy.

What if you ImC Staff, insert new companions like dogs or that kind of animals, that is not used to mount but instead used to hunt, the price would be fair, like half of a mount companion.

I mean, come on, why would i buy something used to mount, that i can’t mount, just because i need something to hunt with?

3 - A Official Database

That one is not related to the game itself, but it would be helpfull.

Most of the unofficial databases around the internet most of the time don’t have the full information that we need (where the monster is spawned i.e)

or display a variety of wrong informations ( i saw one that said Rubblem would spawn in a level 50 map, which is a lie)

A Official Database would show a monster spawn location, if it is a Secret Boss or not(not giving the location of course), if it’s quest related and that sort of stuff.

That’s all Folks, hope you like it

1 - Already implemented. Right click on the message and then select “Block”. :slight_smile:

3 - That won’t happen. IMC already stated they don’t want to spoil the fun by giving out information like that.

oh, i tought that the Block button was only for Whispers haha

my bad