Tree of Savior Forum

Some questions from another, thanks!

First off, hi, and thanks for stopping by!

So ya, for a run-down of my history with ToS, I haven’t played any of the beta’s, and all of my knowledge has come from researching and browsing. I figured I should try and ask for a bit of help with the questions that have gone unanswered or I frankly didn’t understand, so sorry for the length in advance!

As far as things such as solo play or teamplay, I’ll mostly be playing with my friends whenever I’m on, so I’d lean towards that for class choices and the such. I’m hoping to make a number of classes, but mainly magicians of sorts, the class focuses / goal(s) for them would be :

A type of… viable PvE-using Alchemist?(sorry) : So to put it simply, Alchemists are my favorite type of classes- but I won’t go into that hour long explaination. I’ve learned after some research today even, they aren’t mega “crafters” like I’m used to… Nor do they toss explosive potions you make yourself or Uni’s you pick up but-- Do they only boil down to the " Secondary-Type " char? I’d like to have some help, if possible making one that isn’t simply " Get them to max rank for usage " if at all possible. As stated I do love support, so if there’s a ~good~ support build, where like, they’re useful more than just " deal with me " that’d be perfect. Sorry if that made no sense and stuff ;;

Between the Crowd-Control and Support type builds, Mainly focusing on Chronomancer : I really love this type of class, and as stated I’ll rarely be playing alone, but I haven’t quite come to understand if the Cryo3/Chro3 builds are just outright better than the ones that include linker2 for support, or if it’s mixed. Like, does the Cryo3/Chro3 build heavily outweigh the “support” builds, to the point that it’s just much much better support. I’ll try to explain a bit differently incase that didn’t make much sense ehehe;

The third big goal for the time being would be a… DPS or all out attacking type mage. Generally I’d like to shoot for something on the Ice side, using lots of spells… like Frost Pillar if at all possible. But something with Rune Caster, or Warlock if it’s much much better. I mainly want intel on what would make them really nice or fun, or if there’s just something much better… yep.

Again, sorry for the long read, and how messy it all came out. But thanks all the same! I have alot of other class questions but, those aren’t magicians so I’ll save that ^^;

Thanks again!.. mhmm!

Hey there,

since you took a lot of time to decribe your Problem , i would like to give you some hints into the right direction. I cannot answer every of your questions , sorry :slight_smile:

First of all - it seems to me that you already tryed to look things up in the forum. Right now there are so many discussions going on that it is easy to get confused .

DPS Builds:
Imo the most popular DPS Builds right now include
Wiz>wiz>wiz (c3)
After that many recommend elementar, which provides a very good and stable DPS. So if you want to find out more search for wiz3 ele3 of some sort. You will find a lot of bread and butter Builds there :slight_smile:
As you play your first Charakter you will encounter other players and might find the Pyro more attractive for any reasons - there are Tons of options right now.
Reading your post again you could as well take a look into cryo-psycho Combo, which would give you a fun combination of skills. (Icewall + psychic pressure for example). Before building your Charakter you should Focus on what you want to accomplish. If its “fun” i would definitely recommend cryo-psycho, but that definitely is my subjective opinion :slight_smile:
I am not familiar with the Alchemist but I have not seen a single dps-alchemist that matters. But - and here comes the fun part of TOS skillsystem - just try to combine the classes you love, meaning ice and Alchemist. Why ? Well, it’s all about the fun right ? You wont do as much DMG as a wiz3>ele3 Meteor, but you might discover some fun syngergies.
I think there are some explanatory discussions going on about alche right now.

There are a lot of active discussions regarding the pro and con of linker/Chrono/cryo as Support.
Here is the good news: since you stated that you wont play solo with this build you can just choose what you want to do.
I will tell you that much: everybody loves a linker in their party, especially linker c2. And they will love it even more if you are Chrono on top of that. Linker>Chrono will be easy to play.

The purpose of cryo is the ability to freeze,which will give you another Option to crowd control. But from my experience in ToS , which is iCbt2 only, i can assure you that grinding Parties will prefer linker-support to cryo-support. If anyone disagrees with me, feel free to say so :slight_smile: keep in mind that if you choose cryo you will have some DMG skills on top of that. A devoted Support linker>Chrono wont have that and would be pretty tough to solo. So whoever says “cryo is the better Support no matter what!” that’s just Bullshit. It heavily depends on your playstyle, the classes you are teaming up with and the Dungeon :slight_smile:

That said I want to add - i know it’s not the first time in this forum - that classes are not even close to be balanced yet! Cryo got some good Buffs while linker got nerfed. We can’t be too sure about how good a Warlock will be or if you can’t forge Alchemist that certain way, that it would Deal a good amount of DMG with that one skill :D. If you want definitive answer you would have to wait for release. Or Stick to support and observe other classes and make your decisions later :slight_smile:

No build-offer but a couple of hints. Sorry if they aren’t of any use to you >_<

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Nono, thank you! That was a really good read. At the very list you cleared up my worry for the Chrono thing so thanks alot for that Kraehe. :] With how things are looking after today I’ll probably go with your advice and just stick to that while things settle down like class changes for a bit. If I get the time I’ll take up the Cryo/Psy for fun too. Thanks a ton!

For earth tower cryo 3 chrono 3 outclasses linker 2 chrono 3 easily, anywhere elso for current end game content people would prefer linker 2 though.

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Ahh, that’s something I haven’t looked into much until now… Though I also realized there’s not much stopping me from making all of them eventually ^^ thanks for that insight

Good to see another Alchemist fan, we’re a dying breed nowadays, specially with all kToS players putting the class down. Despite of that i’m still playing Alchemist as my main character and i don’t care about what everyone else has to say.

This is the build i’m gonna use, if you don’t like it feel free to tweak it a little bit:

If you want me to explain my skill choices let me know, i’ll gladly do it.

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Heya Eden, from the start- Thank you. Being perfectly honest you’ve been helping me quite a bit already! From all the research I’ve been doing on Alch, and how things can work-out in dungeons past just being an alt, the info you’ve dropped in the other threads is whats kept me on it. I just hadn’t really looked into the Psycho class until this morning honestly, but had plans to make one somewhere along the line. So your goal of combining that and Alchemist was pretty awesome to be honest.

I’d personally like to ask more… experience or opinionated questions for you here, since your build was already something I was hoping to work off of :]

That being :

  • Cryo1 : I’ve seen alot of mixed opinions on this, since alot of people do say that it’s not worth touching if it’s not Cryo3, and Alch can’t really do much, what makes you choose that over Pyro? I personally love them both, but wanted to know if there’s anything that puts it above Pyro in this build, or if it’s for pure preference or anything.

  • Attribute choices : Honestly something I haven’t read up on, aside from having a general understanding on how they work. Are there some I should be flat out avoiding? I have a bad habit of misjudging which skills are " great " and " horrible " so far, so to avoid wasting money!..

  • The Alchemist move-set : I’ve read through alooot of the discussions… and occasional arguments on which of these are worth the time, and which are just a waste overtime. I’m making an alchemist for a similar reason to you, I absolutely love them, and if it’s possible to efficiently main them then I’ll go all out. So the money-making thing isn’t really a priority here. So the question would be on your choice for Awakening, since Gem Roasting and Tincturing do have a good use if only for my friends and I. I mostly want to know if it’s been changed past my knowledge ( again ) or if it’s just a good thing to have over maxing Dig or Combustion. Again, just your opinion ^^ this was my plan from observing your previous posts and all. whew

  • This move-set really is awesome. Like, seriously.

    And past that long read, thanks again! I had been planning to ask you about all this later today, but you beat me to it;; Here’s to Magnum Opus being something amazing!

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Wow it’s good to know that my posts are helping someone and i’d like thank you for listening to my advices.

  • Believe it or not, i picked Cryomancer because i’m fan of ice/water powers but turns out that Cryomancer and Psychokino have excellent synergy.

Here’s one of my videos that shows the Ice Prison and Ice Volley combos. These combos requires at least Cryomancer C1 and Psychokino C1 to work and the skills necessary to perform them are: Ice Wall, Swap (for Ice Prison) and Psychic Pressure.

Psychic Pressure has an AoE Effect that most people used to ignore.
Ice Wall shoots shards when hit by attacks.
If you combine these properties you can unleash a devastating combo.

Of course building a character is more than just picking skills, you have to decide which role you want to fulfill because one build does not cover all bases and that’s why, ihmo, people wrongfully say that if it’s not Cryomancer C3 does not worth picking.

Cryomancer C3 provides amazing resources for CC, protection and damage but if the role you want to take on parties does not require you to do these things, there’s no reason to pick CryoC3.

  • Well, attributes stack so you can’t go wrong by leveling them although if you want to save money i would do the following suggestions, granted you’re gonna use the build i provided.

Don’t waste money on the following attributes:

Energy Bolt: Enhance
Energy Bolt: Additional Sleep Damage *
Earthquake: Enhance

These two skill are Lv1 to help you level at the very beggining and you’ll only be using them until you hit Rank 3, so, don’t waste your silver with those they’ll become useless later on.

*If it’s not expensive, get this one. It caps at Level 3 and might not waste too much while increasing your damage a little, i mean, you do have Sleep at Lv 5.

Wait for when you already have maxed everything else and show it some love.

Ice Blast: Additional Damage
Ice Blast: Enhance

Not really a good damage increase since this skill is also at Lv1 but if you already maxed everything out and lots of silver are just standing there, why not?

Level up everything else.

  • Combustion is a damage dealing skill but it’s too tricky to use and you might end up getting frustrated if you blow up a useful drop. To me, the whole purpose of becoming an Alchemist is to take part on a utility role and Combustion does not offer me that. Damage is covered on the previous ranks and when we get Rank 10 on future updates we’ll get more damage by adding something that is designed to do damage instead of utility.

  • I picked Item Awakening because the game is getting a lot of adjustments frequently and it is my hope that the skill will get buffed.

I think that’s it. If you still have more questions let me know, i’m here to help.


Bring very honest here, Cryo/Kino 3 is VERY good, the problem is it’s not that good for alchemist, you want the fastest grind possible, that would be most likely Pyro3>Link or Pyro2 > Link2.

Because as an alchemist you want to up fast, not make a cool character, I’d say you should go what you like, but if you are a fan of ice powers maybe it should not be your alchemist.

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I really think that psycho c2/c3 come more valuable than pyro c2/ linker c1 combo. After Linker got nerfed and Pyro decay his dps over time (a.k.a higher lvls) results in psycho, with his cc and moderated damage, being better.

Sure, Pyro is better early game and you can level faster until you hit 120 ~ 150. But after that, it really slow down the pace of leveling and, in my opinion, the CC provided by psycho c3 is better to leveling up and leveling through alchemist ranks.

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Yeah but linker puts you in more parties than kino, I’d go Pyro2>Linker2, in damage outputs it overcomes Kino except for PP (which drains SP hard).

even if it’s “slower”, killing 8 mobs as you double auto-attack only one mob is pretty good. It’s not so fast to do that with kino.

Most pyro skills are multihit, flame ground is insano ground control, they’re not as easy to deal as they were before HK’s nerfs, but linking mosters to a fire ball is still deadly.

I get that kino is good, but for alche c2 I simply believe going pyro2>linker is faster.

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Hey everyone, thanks for all this info!

@iEden : As far as this build goes I can’t think of any other questions at the moment, you’ve defeated me here haha. Again thanks a ton Eden :] after reading somethings from moises and sora I did have a question on another comp if you have an opinion on it. But it’s still based on your build so, again opinions and such. Either way, you’ve given me a tremendous amount of help, so thanks a ton!

@moises_andre12 : Hey again! And thanks. From what I’m gathering is this purely a build for " Get to Alch2 and be done with it? " Or a use related thing. I was looking for the possibility of an Alchemist being useful/usable in a party past just grinding 'til cap and dropping them ya? In those terms I was wondering if you were saying it’s just unviable, or if you mean in the same situation ( usable/useful ) Pyro2>Link2 has more to be desired. Thanks :]

I had another small idea when I was reading these at work* today, since I haven’t tried it before I tried combining all that into like… Cryo>Linker2>Psycho>Alch2? Due to iEdens awesome combo I wasn’t sure if it would be hindered by this choice, but I also saw that I’d lack much damage with this set-up to the point that it may just be… bad, but figured I’d ask still. ;;

With all this though, thanks. Even past the big help provided to my Alchemist, you all have taught me somethings for other class builds regardless I’m at least ready to make two of them now :] So again, thank you all.

Hey Andre. Do you think that at current state Linker c2 would be of any use in pvp? Seems like the links break too easy when linked targets run away. Can the HK be resisted by PD?

I’m struggling here trying to decide, if I should put 2 circles of linker in my pve/pvp dps/support hybrid build or not. Kino looks like a better all-rounder class with potential to ease your partys tank job.


Yes it is, honestly, you don’t want your main char to be an alchemist, it is NOT useful in any sort of game content besides making money.

It only has ONE skill for PvE and it’s not even good, also uses silver/items.

ANY class on the wizard circle is better than alchemist for any content besides money.


There’s not much use for linker 2 in PvP I believe, max is 5vs5 so Linker1 should do fine.

It’s real that they can simply get away, but even if there’s only 2 or 3 linked targets, killing 2 or 3 at once in PvP is a big deal.

HK can not be resisted by PD, but remember it’s duration is VERY short so don’t count on it too much as a CC, it’s good for not letting them break links by simply running away though.

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Eden, couple quick questions for you if I may.

I was planning on levelling as wiz3-ele3-warlock, probably with an even split of pre-made party play and solo aoe grind/damage.

That video you posted caught my eye and I can see the benefits of cryo/kino. Now I’m undecided :frowning:

In your opinion, and anybody else’s opinion who may be reading this for that matter, which of the two builds is stronger for what I plan to be doing? What are the pro’s/cons of either?

And finally, what stat distribution will you be following if you don’t mind sharing. I understand that psychic pressure uses 1% SPR per second so it doesn’t necessarily pay to have high SPR, but from watching that video I can forsee mana problems.

Thanks for your help, don’t want to hijack the thread but I think these questions are relevant to the OP’s post.

CryoKino is good for CC but not necessarily AoE damage, the class helps by rounding/lining up monsters so other party members can kill them easily. The damage is good but it’s hardly reliable as AoE.

Elementalist on the other hand will do lots of AoE damage but this can be difficult sometimes due to the cast time. Range is another problem, if you don’t use your skills on the right place and time something might not get killed on the area and start chasing you and you’ll end up running for your life while waiting for cooldowns.

You said:

Go for Elementalist. On parties Cast time is not really an issue if you position yourself well on the battlefield because people can protect and heal so, you’re good.

I’m going with 2 Int : 1 Con : 1 Spr until Lv 150 and after that Int 3 : 1 Con.

Psychic Pressure and Gravity Pole consumes SP% while channeling so, investing on Spr is not a smart choice. However you do want some SP for you skill rotation so, a few points on Spr will actually be useful.

That video is not accurate on SP consumption anymore. Psychic Pressure was buffed and now consumes only 1% per second and in that video was consuming 4,5% per second.

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Really, you all are too helpful. Thank you, though I had wanted to ask one last thing here- about the Cryo-Chrono set-up.

The build I tried to make based off of what I’ve read on other threads. Just a few questions on these if I may-

  • Backmasking vs Slow extra points, I’ve seen it mentioned that you either leave Backmasking at 1/5 so you don’t mess people up when reviving the healer, or get it to 5/5 since the range is nice… honestly I don’t know how " big " 40 range is in ToS though ;
  • I don’t know much about Ice Spike but I’ve usually seen you all max it, is it just that good?
  • Gust vs Frost Pillar points. I’m kinda unsure since I see it go both ways ^^; is it purely preference based?
  • Stat allocations for this type of build, still kinda getting used to that honestly

And that’s… really all I have left to ask on anything magic, thank you all again- and I hope we can play together and stuff :]

Thanks for all your help Eden. Would you recommend the same stat setup for Ele? I’ve decided to stick with Ele

You’re welcome. I’m not sure tbh, Elementalist skills don’t consume SP% do they? If no, then you would benefit from Spr specially because, i’m guessing, your skills consumes a high amount of SP, i mean, AoE skills usually do.

In that case i would go with something like 2 Int: 1 Con : 1 Spr until Lv 170 or so and then go Int 2:1 Spr. But i might be wrong, i would recommend you to check with a Elementalist player for a more accurate info. Don’t mess up your Stat build because Stat reset is a very rare item in-game.

  • Well, Backmasking Lv1 provides 60 Range which imo is good enough for utility purposes because you can always move closer to ensure that you’re within range. If you have too much range you might end up messing things up by accident if you don’t position yourself well.

  • Ice Pike is awesome good damage, pierce type (idk if this still applies to magic skills) and freezes as well. Overheat system, two uses before going on cooldown.

  • I’ve been reading some posts made by CryoC3 players and all of them mention that Gust Lv1 is enough because it scales bad and Frost Pillar is a must, should be maxed.

  • Int for damage, Spr for SP pool and recovery and some Con to not die easily. 2:1:1 should be fine.