Tree of Savior Forum

Some questions about cryomancer

Hi guys,

I prefer to say that i’m really ignorant concerning Cryo/Chrono classes that is why i’m coming to you with some questions:

Cryomancer is always seen as a support class when paired to chronomancer, it offers great CC and support (movement speed, AA speed, cd reset…). Most of them are Full CON and with sage and don’t offer a really enjoyable gameplay…

Cryomancer can be used as a dps but you have to pair it with Rune caster and Kino. Wall + PP is a strong burst combo.

Do you think it is possible to take the 2 aspects by mixing the cryo/chrono and Rune caster?

To use the wall shards, PP is usually the best method to activate it but I thought about the plain old method.
In fact, you can also activate the wall by using your staff secondary attack (a strike attack).

1- Is this secondary attack affected by Aoe Ratio?
2- If yes, do you think Centaurus card could be good?

Centaurus Card
[Card Equip Effect] AoE ratio +[★/5]

3- Does someone know how much is the Aoe Defense of the Ice wall, ie does it count as a small/medium/large target (1-2-3)?

4- Is this secondary attack affected by Quicken?

5- Did someone try to summon an Icewall with Audra (to get the additonal hits / tiles) and hit it with another staff equipped? Ie: Is the Matt is calculated when the shard is ejected or when the wall is summoned?

6- What do you think of Hydra card? Does someone tried it paired with frost pillar on a boss?
Hydra: +[★]% damage against frozen enemies.

Bonus: Runecaster question: it is not stated anywhere on the Rune caster skill but is it working on elementalist Ice spells (Frost cloud, Hail and Freezing sphere) ? I don’t think it is but with the different rebalancing it could have changed.

Thank you in advance for all your answers

nope. does not work with deployment magic skills like frost cloud and hail. It does work with freezing sphere.

I think it is possible but not worth it. Rank 9 is coming in maybe 2 months? So right now. you can go cryo 3 chrono 3 kino 1. rank 9 you can take RC. but the reason why i think its not worth it is because pp gets interupted very easily and with only kino 1 you cannot hit all 16 walls at icewall level 15. If you went kino 2 at rank 9 then maybe its decent but you do not have rune of ice and it might not make it worth it. PP at level 5 hits 9 targets. PP at level 10 hits 14.

I have been able to hit 15 walls and am still able to

I do not recommend mixing a cryo kino with cryo chrono. It requires heavy investment in to a good weapon to make icewall pp combo worth it.

but sure, go for it if its fun. you can come up with your own icewall formations. and if you finish the first cast of pp. Use pass for another cast of PP.

I didn’t explain properly what I wanted to say, sorry for my English.

I don’t want to mix cryo chrono and kino.
I want to replace kino by staff basic attack feature and Aoe ratio while keeping the party play.
In a word, taking advantage of a fair attack speed from quicken (if it works) and a powerful spell combo to feel more than a Pass/CC bot on Boss.

With a template like this:

Carving ice with a staff

I don’t know where to put my point between Ice bolt / Pike / Blast (1-1-1 + 12 somewhere but I dont want snowrolling)

I dont think your staff swipe can hit enough walls to make it worth it. I dont think increasing AOE attack ratio will increase radius of staff swipe. Maybe im wrong but AOE attack ratio=/=AOE size.

I get what you are saying. but if you want, if there is an inquisitor or monk, they can help hit many of your icewalls with their breaking wheel or energy blast.

why wouldnt you want snow rolling? its a pretty good skill.
you can place the 5 extra points into anywhere. (usually placed into snow rolling)

If your character is for ET. then i still recommend you to go sage. Your party is missing out on missile hole.

do you think hydra card woul boost ice wall pp combo ?

Frost pillar debuff icon appears on boss so you can use Ice blast, however it doesn’t count as Frozen status.

Stacking cryomancers & chrono supports is a lot of damage even on Full CON. Equips matters a lot.
5 x CON wizard supports at ET (clear floor 21 until floor 30):

I’m gonna answer all the questions at once.

I’m Cryo3Elementalist3 Rune Caster 1:
How do i hit the ice wall? I don’t. I have a guild with Doppels (cyclone) and inquisitors (breaking wheel).

Ice walls are medium, they have 2 AoE defense ratio. 1 lvl 10 centaurus card (2 AoE Attack Ratio) = 1 more wall hit by staff strike.
Since secondary attack is a physical attack it is affected by AoE attack ratio.

Secondary attack should be affected by quicken since dagger stabbing is influenced as far as i know.

When casting Ice Wall with Audra and then switching: the MATK taken into account is your CURRENT MATK when hitting the wall. You can precast with a 1000 MATK audra to have more ice walls with more HP each ice wall and then switch to 4000+ MATK weapon when you hit it or a teammate does it.

Rune of Ice works on all NON TERRAIN ice skills. Freezing sphere is affected but Frost cloud and Hail aren’t.

About Hydra card; It only counts against frozen targets which is ok with frost pillar and being chrono you’d be able to keep it up more time, but as soon videos have shows, you can just use bittergina card + velnia monkey cards for 100% uptime poison on bosses as long as you hit it. Or simply use chapparitions when blowing up the ice wall.

From my experience, there is also 1 advantatge on NOT HITTING the ice wall yourself.

Ice Shards (projectiles from ice wall), go wherever the ice wall caster is facing. You can put the ice walls far away, or in a good position for a teammate to hit it, and then just walk up to the boss / monster by yourself meaning:

  • 1 The person hitting the ice wall is not being aggroed by the monster, therefore also not being canceled / interrupted / stunned and all the possible ice shards can hit the boss.
  • 2 It allows you to follow the bosses position (if he dashes or something) without reducing the amount of ice walls hit.

If you have any other question, I should be able to answer it. Played Cryo3 focussed around ice wall since ITOS launched.

You could totally go Cryo3Chrono3RuneCaster1. But take into account your empowered ice wall should be hit by a teammate, and in order for the ice wall to be more valuable than your teammate you’ll need high MATK, like really high.

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Thank you for the answers and for your insight.