Tree of Savior Forum

Some question about ele-pyro-onmyo

Hello everyone,

I have been testing ele-pyro-onmyo a lot, and I have a few question before the class reset event ends.

  1. Is it really worth it to put point in electrocute rather than stone curse ? Considering I am playing two handed staff. I already have long CDs, enough skill to cast, electrocute’s dmg are underwhelming (even with 60 attribute etc) compared to my other skills. I know currently the stone curse - petrify / fire enhanced dmg on petrified ennemy doesn’t work right now. But it is an unintentionnal bug that should be fixed sometimes in the future. Considering this, is it possible to not put any point on electrocute and put them in stone curse + hail for example ? Or does electrocute becomes useful in some specific high end dungeon ?

  2. About Onmyo, I’ve tried every skill, it seems like tiger / fire fox and yin yang are the best skill. Where would you put your last point ? I’ve tried toyou lvl 10 with 60 attribute and the skill looks pretty underwhelming. Do you prefer Toyou or Water ? Can you explain why ?

  3. About Onmyo, Is the last attribute about Yin Yang (Increase caster’s Holy and Dark property dmg by 20% after using the Yin Yang skill for X sec) useful with pyro-ele ? As I understand it it is not at all because we don’t use those elements, but I might be wrong though !

  4. Is it really a choice to be made between two handed staff and rod ? I understand rod + shield is safer, but is two handed staff really that bad or is it just slighty worse / doable ?

Thanks a lot !

Im a maxed Pyro/Ele/Onm player myself so ill try to answer them in my experiences:
1 No. As you pretty much said it yourself Electrocute is really underwhelming yes u can put points in it but the mana/damage/cd imo not really worth it def get 10/10 Stone Curse it works on many bosses for a LONG duration pretty much free wins fire debuff or not. Also Hail isnt really worth maxing 1/15 is more than enough you purely use it to freeze.

  1. Currently got my Firefox maxed for obv reasons YingYang maxed Tiger maxed my spare points is what im debating myself I tried Toyou found it extrememly underwhelming short cooldown sure but low damage or im missing something myself with this skill. So its kinda what u like more I guess im def gonna change today and try out the water shiki scales decently better than toyou and has a pretty impressive range.

  2. No doesnt matter for this setup for yourself but it does for your party I guess. but main reason u get this skill in Onmi because its just really strong lags the oppenent in place and does alot of hits which adds alot of damage is you have ele prop attacks stacked in every hit. Racks up fast.

  3. Who said Staff is bad? Velcoffer staffs just to name one is really really strong but any staff works I used to play Rod/Aias at start because I felt Meteor casted to slow etc. but after switch to staff you def see the damage differences its kinda what ur playstyle is Staff does give alot more Fire Damage because of the Staff Passive and Rod gives u quicker casts + a shield. So whatever u prefer man more glasscannon if u know how to play well or play saver.

Thanks a lot, it really helps me :). Have a nice day !

  1. Yes, stone curse is 1 point wonder barely even that. 14 electro is fine dont max it
  2. 8 toyou 15 fox/10 toyou 13 fox whichever you prefer. Last point onto water its an ok filler skill.
  3. Useless ignore it with your build. Your only skill benefitting from it doesnt benefit from it all due to cd. If you play with a lot chronos maybe then maxing it can be reasonable. Even then its 8k points. Up to you.
  4. Up to preferation. Rods have less dmg but more survivability and quicker casts. I personally like staff because mas staff stats are a lot better than mas rods and I prefer having more damage in the end.