Tree of Savior Forum

Some problems noticed until now after the last maintenace

there some problems on the game (not bugs) that need to be revised, like the spawn time on the new maps and the power of the mobs that are a little to high … mobs atack you when you are speaking whit NPCs … the wheight of potions got everyone by surprise

and now the bugs
BGM of maps continue even when you leave the maps, dungeons or cities
VGA error ocurs inside dungeons
lock/unlock itens can’t be used on equiped itens (<not sure if is a bug, but before it worked on equiped itens)

They also need to update the drop list from the dungeon UI.

Don’t forget if you have an AMD CPU chance are you can’t even play in the new HG at more than 1 FPS :tired:
All other maps are fine though, just that slightly important map :tired:


Im sick of all the weak monster everywhere since the balance patch.

And the Spawntime is a step in the right direction finaly grinding without searching mobbs on empty maps…


I like the high density and mobs being powerful as well, but at least have some safespots near for example the quest NPCs so i can take a break instead of having to warp to town and then walk all the way back whenever i want to take a break, i had to constantly kill mobs while reading quest dialogue, which is a huge pain when trying to follow the story.


Make the monsters stronger please, non of this face roll stuff anymore.


But normally the mobs can’t hurt you when you talk to an NPC for a quest ? (Although at first they’ll still try) You and the mobs both turn into neutral targets ?
Did they change that ?

Up! Still have this issue…

i use AMD A4,doesnt have this issue,but maybe bcoz i manually configure user.xml to reduce char/mob count. similarly u can use add-on like warmode or fpssaviour. not sure if that work or not tho,but u can try.

Keep the monsters hard to deter the bots please. Maybe add knockdown and debuffs to mess with the zombie/skeletons AI.

Eclipse Ubik (Shadowmancer Master) is not giving my reward for finishing her quest for lunarhider costume… I did the quest 15 times and reached stage 3 for all yet she didn’t gave me the costume and the quest is already gone wth!

same problem here, tho i only reached rank 2 due to lags, but didnt get any costumes :confused:

All of these players with trans 5 trans 10 weapon complain about how weak the monster are

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I had hard time with my dragoon on coasts map, I think monster are fine (pevordimas pike+ 6 :tired: )

if you get rank 2 of the begginig class (swordsman, archer, clerig, archer) there’s no costumes, you only get costumes from other classes above those

Please let people reenter challenge mode if there’s a currently ongoing session that they disconnected from. My client blackscreened upon entering today lmao…

And then on stage five literally every single person in party desynced at once and we lost the run. it was funny but please do not do it again thank you

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