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this addon someone said got banned but he use it…

loooooool rip* giltine wings

I am from telsiai myself but the +40 almost made me spit my coffee

Seriously, congrats if you are legit. But if you are not I hope you feel embarassed because this post makes legit players disheartened to play the game if you are exploiting it… There is just no point anymore. Enhancing gears sounds like the main challenge in this game already but if you can do this what is the point of even trying


I don’t know if OP is blatantly being obtuse on purpose, or is just …challenged.

The screenshot itself shows > dogo37 >dogo39

The earlier case on KTOS had someone making multiple alts for the free diamond anvils

Guess whats going on in this case? It isn’t hard :tired:

I’d ask for a check, but i’m pretty sure that’s legit.

Also, -what- addon, is that your screenshot? Are you talking about the words above his head? Have you ever heard of the !! command to put text there yourself?

Edit: Ohoho, so he crossposted it to reddit as well.


Yeah, its just a whole pile of alt accounts for the free diamond anvils from the transcen event.

Let’s put aside the actual possibility of reaching +40 with 3-5 potential left even when its fully anviled with DA.

The diamond anvils from this event are untradable and has to be used within 14 days. The event ended on 6/12. Today is 6/25.

Say you have a bunch of alts, you will literally need to buy a token for each of these alts in order to trade around the shield, and token cannot be personally traded. If you created alts in this period of time just to abuse this DA event, you won’t be able to use the market to buy token either because market is locked for new characters as well. Steam also seems to be blocking real money transaction on new accounts so there’s that too.

  1. Trade restrictions (no tokens)
  2. Trade restrictions (new characters unable to trade)
  3. Silver on new account restrictions (You can’t use market for some time for a new account), you will also need millions of silver to actually use the anvil.

The likelihood on people being able to abuse this event for a brand new raid item that got released within a month is pretty much non-existent. Today is also literally the last day you can possibly use event’s DA to enhance anything as it’s 13 days already.

So no. OP wasn’t “blatantly obtuse on purpose” or “challenged”. There’s definitely something fishy enough to warrant doubts and potential investigations.

The chance of reaching +40 EVEN IF you do go full DA on is so low that no one would believe a +40 velcoffer piece shows up the moment it’s physically possible to craft one.


Yes. Today (Or yesterday, depending on your timezone) is literally the -last- day you can do this.

As I said on reddit as well, he took a risk, a f’ing HUGE one. And got rewarded for it.


Are you f’ing serious? THATS an issue with this? Do you know tokens are -INSTANTLY- listed on the market?

You can list one, straight up for 100 silver, and buy it on your alt, as long as you have two instances/computers/a friend (OH WAIT, A FRIEND, NOOOOO)

By the way, when the event was announced on KTOS, talk of making multiple alts for the event was already being thrown about. I’m sorry your server was too slow.

Also. Steam isn’t blocking real money transactions on new accounts. Only marketplace transactions are limited, AND YOU CAN REMOVE IT (The limit, for the derps). Unlike IMC, Steam actually lets you remove spending caps -easily-, through an automated process. (I’m looking at you, IMC)

Ignoring the ‘market for some time on new account’ (because you could’ve already made the account + level 1 character and just left the timer running when the KTOS event was announced), the silver issue is pretty easily solved. Just list some leaf bug shells (They drop…in the level 1 area, fyi) and buy them on your main account.

Your ‘issues’ are quite easily solved. I myself was considering making a ton of alts for the free diamond anvils. I couldn’t be bothered (Why do that when, if I REALLY wanted diamond anvils, I could just catapult cash for cubes?).

I’m all for staff confirmation of its legitimacy, though. Should shut everyone right up, and I don’t even own that item. By the way, what you guys are not seeing is the amount of failures for each +16 and above Velcoffer item.

Edit: Chance of enhancement per the great dude who wrote a script to calculate the odds.

F’in unlikely, but nonzero. Thrice damned lucky. Still higher odds than winning the powerball, and there’re people who win -THAT-.

Edit2: Randomness in numbers, especially on a 50/50 chance (51.2% success rate) is also why more competitive games have implemented PRNG. - To force you to not have some stupid streak of no-stuns or no-crits.

Or you could have situations like trying to fight Tiny in close range.


HMM, i’m sure it’s all legit and fine

yeah right and i suffering from my +6 solmiki necklace with 0 potential

Just 1 item, mate. I’ve already seen over 10 velcoffer items with less than +8 enhancements and 0 potential.

For one success, there’re a LOT of failures that never see the light of day. Or they just get tossed at Vai-whatshisname to get dismantled back into the spirit tokens.

And as for why you don’t see people wearing them…isn’t that obvious? Why’d you wear a +5 0 pot velcoffer glove when you have a +11 or so solmiki item from ages ago? I don’t wear my crap +5 0pot primus or ausuras jank either.

Edit: @notme OP provided more screenshots on reddit, its just a bunch of throwaway alt names for the diamond anvils from the event.

They expire today, anyway.

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Probably has 39 alt accounts which I’m sure are totally not all necro sorc’s

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It isnt that hard abusing Team Level 10 DA

You only need less than 2 hours to grind from team lv1 to team lv10 (lv 200 x4char), especially with second anniv DLC.

After that u can ‘Pass’ tokens to alts ID for 1M, which is easily from selling BS (drop by elites)

See? 2Hours for 4 DA, u can fking use it or even fking sell it

Stop accusing those hard working ppl !(whether they’re abusing DA theirselves or buying them)

And be more creative to exploit IMC Event and system in ‘Gray Zone’


Event DA with time stamp of said (date)

Set Integer of weapons to be only used with event DA up to 5 x with said (date) .

This way , every event diamond anvil is unique from other events with diff time stamps and each weapon can only be anviled up to 5 times from such events

salty and jealous ppl everywhere, just let imc judge these weapon, report them, sent ticket if u want…
i want imc also make a rule to ban alll salty and toxic player, hemm"

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Definitely looked like it’s just one shield, with the alts shouting the progress through +40.

Well even if its all legit… doen’t it show how stupid this whole system is ?..
So we are basically “forced” to try and abuse diamond anvill events with (how many 5, 10 , 15 … 40 accounts )?
To get a chance on non broken gear :smiley:

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We have checked the accounts and the items are legitimate. Although the chances are low, it is possible to reach such a high enhancement level.:tired:

If you have any further concerns, however, please feel free to contact any one of us either here or via Support Ticket.


Yeah, sure. It is fine.

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This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.


alright, its confirmed… the next post is, someone gonna complaint about imc judgement based on how much one account bought TPs… just sayin…

i just dislike ppl accusing this and that without knowing anythings on how hard they works to reach that enchanment lv… just cry to your unluckyness

Event finished on 6/12 + 14 days by opening buying them on last hours, seems doable.

People have been doing this for ages. Like, really. This is not the first event IMC gives Diamond Anvils or other rewards like this. As much as we dislike it, it’s f*ing legit and allowed + people learns.

Already explained it earlier, some people have these throwaway account from years ago.

And again, over and over, people will prefer to believe an abstract “it’s cheat, it’s cheat” than a real item crafted with a real explanation and Staff confirmation. shrugs

It’s not like this is the best system ever, people “abuse” events like these because RNG-to-progress is bad (doesn’t make it a good thing though). But IMC allows and acknowledged this as a legit thing with the ktos announcement and did it now again.

It’s visible that the enhancement mechanics causes too much frustration, especially when best results are driven by RMT, P2WIN or “alternative” (e.g. alts+event) methods…

And the average results by trying the intended way gives something like this:

And yeah… It’s doable for the lucky, but it’s definitely understandable that the enhancement mechanic is such a hot topic - it’s not fun, gives no challenge and doesn’t benefit real effort.

Personally, I’m going to save silver and invest slowly on a Velcoffer weapon by buying Diamonds after X enhancement. I don’t like it but it will be cheaper to buy a few Diamond Anvils than reroll 5+ weapons.

Rerolling 5-6 weapons from Velcoffer cubes is more expensive than the avg. number of Diamond Anvils + cost. It’s cheaper and more efficient to just use DA and have 80%+ chance to achieve +16.

The sad part is that even if you put all effort and silver on crafting those 5-6 weapons you can still fail.

This remembers me of an old suggestion for sacrificing the similar weapon many times for enhancing the main weapon. At least this would avoid the “worst-case” scenario that repeats itself more than the good cases.