Tree of Savior Forum

Some item drops turn invisible on the ground

Please fill in as much as you can :

Date and Time(Please, specify the timezone) : 21/07/2016

Server Name: Fedimian

Team Name: Larthiel

Character Name: Ayron

Bug Description :

After a monster drops an item sometimes it turns invisible on the ground. I see it most of the time dropping but it disappears on the ground (immediately). Even pressing down ALT doesn’t show it or its name… but actually it is there somewhere and if I run around I can pick it up… but it is annoying because I don’t see always if something dropped for me or not.
It doesn’t always happening…

Actually it happens to me since around the start of July… but sometimes I felt like maybe there is no problem… I have no idea how much items I left on the ground because of this…but better not know it anyway… X)

Steps to reproduce the issue :

  1. Maybe the best way is in Crystal Mines Lot 2 1F
  2. Hit one of those crystals and see if you can see all of the dropped crystals on the ground or not.
  3. Do it more than once because it is not always happening.

Screenshots / Video :
(attach screenshots or videos regarding the bug)

Game Control Mode (Keyboard/Joypad/Mouse) : Joypad


  • CPU : amd athlon™ II x4 640 processor 3.00 ghz
  • RAM : 4 GB
  • Graphics Card : AMD Radeon HD 7700 Series
  • Mainboard : asus m5a78l/usb3
  • OS : Windows 7 (64 bit)
  • Internet Connection : 100mb
  • Country, Region : Hungary

I second this. Happens to me a lot as well, items vanishing on the ground after dropping immediately :sob:

I’m rly bad at searching the forums so it is good to know it’s not just me then… X) All I found was something about the boss cubes… I don’t see those always on the ground either…but not just those. X)

Its been there long time ago, I got free battle bracelet and thresh crossbow from other unsuspected people who didnt saw their drops

SAME BUG HERE -.- , Tree of bugs

Is there no fix for this?