Tree of Savior Forum

Some ideas that would be cool to have on game

I had some ideas that I thought would be cool to have (this post may be a long one :yum:)

1° new companions that may be aquireble trough quests or “recipes” not all of them necessarily being montaries, but helpers on combat (PVE) (recipes required talts)

  • white tiger (recipe) - itens need for one white tiger mask (crafted) some claws from some monster, some leather or fur and 20 talts
  • regular tiger (recipe) - same base from the previous one
  • Vikaras (recipe) 50 Vikaras core, 50 (that other monster from the same map on royal mausoleum that I forgot the name now) debris, and 20 talts
  • Bear (quest)
  • Large Dumaro (quest or recipe)
  • Large Pukobu (quest)
  • Large Weaver (quest)
  • Siulamb (quest)
    Those where the ones I thinked for now

ideas premium “hairs” from male characters

  • beards … full grown berd, goatee, moustaches (several tipes)

weapon fusion
explanation … on the blacksmith a new function ‘fusion weapon’, you have 2 weapons (that may be the same or diferent ones), and you want to use then both or raise theirs atributes (if the same weapon), or want some atribute of both in a same weapon (diferent ones), like one have magic defense and other evasion, you fuse those chosing the atributes you want to form a new “unique” one … It may be used whit armors too
1° the weapons must be the same tipe (like 2 swords or one sword and a spear or a bow and a croosbow)
2° the atributes chosen can only be maximun 2 of each
3° the weapon made becomes untreadable
4° if one have awekenig status it loses it
5° awekenig CANNOT be one of the atributes chosen
6° transended weapons CANNOT be fused
7° the higter damage will prevail on the fused weapon
8° if damage is one of the atributes chosen it may be mandatory to be chosen on both weapons so the damage is the total of both damages
9° fused weapons cannot be used on GVG of Battle league (for fair game reasons)
10° the appearence can be chosed for the player for one of the weapons used, if not it will be random from one of the weapons used
11° fused weapons CANNOT be fused again

head gear

  • elven ears (slot 2)
  • big red ribbon (slot 3)
  • white cat ears (slot 2)
  • masks (that cover the face) (slot 3)
  • full head helmets (like the helms from murmilo) (slots 1 to 3 or 1 and 2)
  • cowboy hat (slot 1)
  • pirate hat (slot 1)
  • bandanas (slot 1)

now some improvements on some classes

  • swordman
    raise the time duration of Pain barrier acording to level
    passive that raise magical defense (max 50%)
  • Doppelsodner
    Cyclone gain a vortex effect if mastered
  • Musketeer
    be able to use other classes skills whit rifle whitout having to change or auto change weapon
  • Cataphract
    able to use skills when not mounted
    and if the player have Doppelsodner on build can use Cyclone when mounted
    (I’m still didn’t played well whit clerics or wizards so I got nothing on those for now)

dungeon instance
I did lost count how many times I got disconected when doing dungeons then losin one entrace, so my suggestion is, that have a time tolerance of 5 minutes to player to return on the dungeon whitout losing his entrace

Field Boss
on some maps will have a statue that the player can “summon” a boss to fight (then having a chance to get a boss card from it) NOTE this field boss is different from World boss
the prize its 50K silver and a random weapon or recipe drop from the map
RULES for it
1° the player can only summon the boss 1 time each 2 days
2° field boss it’s only single player fight
3° the level of the boss will be adjusted by the player level