Tree of Savior Forum

Some help here on this build?

Ok so here’s the deal, everyone.

I am making a Wizard build that involves having Wiz 1> Pyro 3> What class here > Class here >Warlock2.

But the problem here is that I do not want to go with linker class due to one thing. That we all know that it is going to be nerfed sooner or later thus making it useless for rank 5 and 6. So for those two ranks, I was thinking of going with Chronomancer but then again Thaumaturge is also a good choice. but there is Rune Caster a rank 6 class that could be used as a filler but that would undermine whatever is in rank 5.

So I am asking for some advice based on your experience on some of the builds based on this path.
1 Con (stopping at 100 con)
3 int (All int after 100 con)

It will be impossible to make it IMC nerf-proof but its something right?

What do you mean? Linkers have already been nerfed externally and internally. JP Hit Limit and CD increase and Hangman’s Knot duration decrease. Also, some enemies in 280+ areas being JP resistant.

Nothing in KToS have shown what to expect of Linker in the future.

If anything they would nerf Pyro (or Agny) but Linker is already downhill receiving so many nerfs to the point that only JP and Hangman are the only useful skills in the entire Linker set (maybe Lifeline or Spiritual Chain… but very situational).

If they nerf it even more then would be easier to remove the class completely, at certain areas, some mob don’t get linked, they are 100% immune against it, also, they changed the way SPR work now, all the mob have a higher resistance against some debuffs.

As for what you may want.

Go with either Thauma C2, or fill up with Wiz C3, I won’t recommend Sorc since it’s usefulness fall off at R8 content, you will find your summon dying in 20 seconds all the time.

Chrono C2 is not worth tbh. Not sure if Ele would be a good choice.

In all honesty, everything goes well with Linker, but hey, its your choice in the end, suggestions we make, but you can think about what you really want based on the info you get.