Tree of Savior Forum

Some Dev Suggestions and Review

So, here, made little list of what i suspect to Change, getting fixed in the near future, so this game can become potentially one of the best MMOs of 2016:

Some Thaughts:

  • Need to have the Eu Server Located in the Eu, to have really fast server response time and non existing latency, with the lowest ping possible for Eu players.
  • The Current Bot Reporting System seems to do its work well, we would need to have the way to -Right click- on the spammed messages in the chat screen, and report the bots like that aswell.
  • Some NPCs still have Korean Text showing up while we interact with them, not all of us can understand Korean (sorry).
  • Cut Scenes, and NPCs Dialog interaction screens should be 100% instantly skippable by Clicking away from them, due to action related ingame content. Allso, by skipping the Dialogs, need to unchange the location of the Cursor, instead of automatically pull it on the first possible selectable response option of the NPC.
  • Need to be able to Bound Mouse Buttons, so we can use them for skills, or Movement only.
  • Need to be able to see the character all the time, all the obstacles shall be fade away as the character would be in cover, doesn’t matter if it’s a secret area or not.

About the gameplay:

  • Monsters patching needs to be Corrected, they only should be able to reach places at the surroundings where players allso can gain acces, they shoudn’t walk trough the map, ignoring any obstacles or unaccessible areas /if we need to jump up to reach some zones in the game, they need to jump up there aswell not only walking up there/
    Exept Boss type monsters, due to their size.
  • Chat message bar need to turn automatically off as we sent the message.
  • Message Boubbles in the game needs to be overlayed by Open Menus on the screen.
  • Quest related objects needs to be only interactable, and selectable when the socalled quest is active.
  • Skills, buffs, players cast shouldn’t effect theese interactible objects.
  • Pets, Followers shouldn’t be interactible/selectable in combat, they mess up the targeting of Fellow players.
  • Maybe due to the high latency, or the server response time, casted skills don’t get casted, interactions between player characters and NPCs, Objects don’t happen.
  • Some Areas have allmost unexisting mob Density, need to have more mobs at certain areas in the game, especially at areas where quests involved to the advancement. (Letas Stream is a good example for mob Density, every map should have the same)
  • Would need to have some sort of Movement skills for every Character Classes, like the Teleport for Wizards, Sprinting for Swordsman.
    /Suggesting a Dash Skill for Cleric C1, and a Roll Skill for Archer C1/
  • Would need to clarify, if every Elemental Damage we cast are considered as magic damage, so Magic resistance would be effective against them, or they are considered as Elemental damage, so only elemental resistance is good against them.
  • Monsters, such the Temple Slave Magician should have Casting time, so the players can eighter interrupt them, eighter move away from the skills they cast.
  • Skills, and atacks shall be executed towards a specific direction (towards the cursor location, towards where the character is facing, instead of being an unevitable hit for long ranged atacks, or spells once they are locked in)
  • Reducing monsters kill requirements for Achivements, or adjusting some monsters life, defence, damage stats accordingly, so players can get trough them and they can have fun while playing the game.
  • Weapon Holding needs to be in Left, or Right hand, high heel shall only be a feature for Female Characters.
  • Crowd Control Effects needs to be ignored, when the atack that would cause it, is Dodged, or needs to be Halved when the atack is Blocked, allso need to have 3 seconds Crowd Control Immunity as our character gets out of a recent effect.
  • Need to be able to buy back Recently Sold items to NPCs.
  • Shields need to have higher Block Chance, so they can fulfill theyr role, we allso need approx. %Block, Hit Chance, Crit Chance, Crit Damage, Dodge chance indicated ath the character screen.
  • Every Constitution point needs to have +0.2 points to All Elemental resistances /at 100 Constitution, should have 20 all elemental resistances/
    Exept Dark and Holy damage.

Annoying factors:

  • Achivement screen bugs needs to get fixed.
  • Need to have Resetable Character Class Choices.
  • Grinding needs to be more Rewarding, monsters shall grant at least 3X the current exp they’re granting, or the leveling of characters shall require 3 times less Exp.
  • Quests shall be more Potent, and shall grant not only Exp cards, but more often class specific items, so the players can feel the support.
  • Need to adjust the Targeting of all interactable objects, NPCs and monsters to their shiluettes.
  • All quests should be able to done for Mouse Users, and overall need to make the game a bit more mouse user friendly.
  • Need to Reduce the Boss, especially world Boss monsters Life, Defences and Damage, but need to make them spawn more frequently, need to make fights with them more unique, each of them shall have a unique way to defeat them, some sort of Puzzle to solve, using the Sorroundings against them, or the Traps they spawn agains the players.
  • All monsters shall have properly done Spawning animation instead of just falling from the sky.
  • Monsters shall have specific spawning at some areas of the maps, and a mix at other points.
  • Characters shall not be interrupted by opening the chat bar, they shall continue atacking, walking, casting, using a skill whatever.
  • Need to have the mouse character movement/action, and the overlayed map to work together.
    -Need to FIx elevator Glitches, need to fix the interactable sorrounding aswell to be mouse user friendly, so we can move trough it without being forced to use the keyboard for movement.
  • As we about to enter a Zone, that is more than 10lvl above of the current one where we are, Allways need to have a warning signal, something that indicates the danger for players about the enter.
  • Animations, like Thunders at Akmens Ridge needs to be able to Turn off, thinking of Epileptic players.
  • Monks Shall have a fast Sheeting, or Drawing animation as they use theyr bare hands for certain skills of them.
  • Need to Enable or Disable Chat filter.
  • Information is Allways needs to be shown about the interactible object, monster, npc, on what the cursor is pointing at, not about the monster we’re fighting, exept if we don’t point at anything else.

Might continue the list someday, having grand expectations about this game.

Additional important changes:

  • Need to Let players be able to bound the Mouse buttons properly, and By Default, have:
  • Left click(Mouse1): Movement only for the character
  • Right click(Mouse2): Main hand weapon atack
    /if we want to have an opening toolbar for Right Click, allow us to have key Binding like: Alt+ Right click(Mouse2) to Open toolbar!
    Need to be able to Bind at least: Mouse1, Mouse2, Mouse3, Wheel Up, Wheel Down, Mouse4, Mouse5 Buttons!
    The current Mouse Support integrated in the game bleeding from so many wounds, the mouse buttons can’t get properly bound even with external 3rd party programs neighter, because the game overrides them, and forces us to stick with the game defaults, which is pretty poorly done sofar.

Allso: why Can’t we change the profile Names we use here on the Official Site?

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Please no, so many times i had too much quests and i cant have them all active at the same time.

Yes, easy to do as well.

I believe the part of dogde already are the live one, if blocked already ignore the CC and CC immunity i do not agree with.

I think they disable it because it causes alot of bugs atm. They didnt say when they will fix it.

Shields perhaps could use some buffs but the Block rate increases ALOT when you use C, to active block. Passive block like stone skin is bad.
Also, percentage on Block, Hit chance and crit chance cant be showed because depends on the enemy, and they change alot. Crit damage already on character info.

Disagree, i believe that kinda of buff belongs to Spirit Status.

I go towards the opposite, remove the items from quests and make the players craft it.

I believe they have it alraedy? so many of them come from the ground.

Yes, as well as character flashing white on hit and mobs flashing white on hit. The option to disable that would be wonderful.

Yeah, at this moment you can see name of the objects by hold Alt.

I agree with most of the things i didnt mention.
Have fun.

Which already gives 0.2 magic defense per point effectively giving the same.

i believe there is option for that in User.xml called “ChatEditVisible”

[quote=“nimrod.papszabo, post:1, topic:191253”]
Would need to clarify, if every Elemental Damage we cast are considered as magic damage, so Magic resistance would be effective against them, or they are considered as Elemental damage, so only elemental resistance is good against them.
[/quote]If it is a magical skill elemental damage then it is considered magic damage, if it is an added elemental damage from items or buffs then only elemental resistances apply. You can try to search forum for “big damage formula” to get full info on how damage is calculated.

Could learn from the replies, thank you for the info about the game mechanics!

Just wanted to toss up here a few more things, asking your opignion about ideas:

  • At each town, on a Bulletin Board, somewhere close to the Goddess statues, a Party Searcher Menu would be welcome /so we could see, ask the party leaders if we can join them at a specific area, the breakdown could be on discovered Zones/
    The same Board shall have an ‘Event’ feature aswell, where we could keep track of what’s happening out in the world of ToS, without tring to gather members for world bosses on megaphone (just an idea)
  • Found quet a few Topics, Reddit posts about Team storage function, it would be allso welcome to have only team storage, with about twice the size of the current Character specific storage function.
  • We still have Bots Shouting out loud their gold selling will, and maybe allowing them to buy Megaphones, lets the Devs have a bit more income, but, found a post where the user said: Satisfied customers are the ones who pays, and keeps companies alive, maybe more customizable visual options for characters /costumes, accessories/ for example would make players happy to pay for. Maybe Customizable skill effect animations.
  • How about to have Chat Channels? Trade chat 1-20, Global 1-20, to have separately Party and Normal chat, to be able to access the features that we can access now by ‘Right-clicking’ on a character trough right clicking on that characters’ message?
    /I don’t know if you played the game: Path of Exile (it’s an APRG). Thinking on, how could they manage to keep the bots out of the game so effectively, would need to try that formula, i’m sure it’s implementable somehow./
  • How about integrated Voicechat function between Party members?
    I really don’t know how much money, resources the Devs of this game can calculate with. Fearing that: this game is only a candy for the eye, but Hoping the Devs allso playing it, so they can see for themselves, what could be still done better, differently to make this game better and better, so we can enjoy it for multiple years, like we Enjoyed Diablo2 15 years ago.