Tree of Savior Forum

[SOLVED]Error: The client has been shutdown due to an error

Well, I did search the forum for any solution but it seems there is no solution yet.

I am stopped playing since may because of examination. Today, I would like to start and play again. After update, first, I had an error before get into the channel page which means stuck at the launcher there. However, I somehow fixed it by changing the detail in release.revision.txt. Now, I will face this error when i choosing 2 servers: Fedimian and Telsiai.

This may due to I have characters in these two servers. In addition, Fedimian characters are transferred from Orsha because of the server issue at the beginning (I am so glad that you can response in this quick, thank you.)

I hope you can reply as soon as possible. Thank you.

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Thank you for helping. This is why I love this game because of a healthy forum and responsible admins.

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Too bad it not works. Waiting for other suggestion. BTW thanks

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Ok, I figure out the solution now. After I did what PrinceMark said, I use a different step to solve “Failed to download .pak files”.

Here is the link

Btw, thanks PrinceMark again.

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