Tree of Savior Forum

Solutions to fix the beta key distribution problem

I like your idea. Also, I think we will have around 35-40% chance of getting a key :smile:

Nobody has 25% of getting a key lol. You would need to have 25% of the user accounts to do so. Everyone with only one account has less than a 1% of getting a key.

I donā€™t think they will listen to you. Probably they do not want more trouble/work than they already have. Donā€™t get me wrong i think your idea is good in general. :grin:

yea good solution~~~

Thatā€™s only the case if there was only 1 key being released, there are 5000 keys so if thereā€™s 20000 users then 1/4 have a chance of getting a key therefore you have 25% chance of getting a key.

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itā€™s just only oneweek beta testing

donā€™t be so selfish , i guess you want early register accounts to be selected first because you have one early registered account right?

a lot of people have been accesing this site but didnā€™t had the time or didnā€™t see the point in registering, but are as much as a fan as you

just take it easy, if get one key, great, if not, it only be one a week, wait for the next.


your math is great ā€˜ā€”ā€™
as I said, we have now 40-42% chance and I believe we will have about 40% by the time the registration ends. BUT, as many players cant compete as they are korean/indonesian I look for some numbers around 50%+.

Force every user to confirm his/her beta key by email within 12 hours. If the user does not confirm his beta key, he will lose it and it will be immediately assigned to someone else.

Its not the only problem, several peoples is receiving more than one key, thats so unfair.

Has anyone supplied money directly for support towards this game? Or directly contributed towards the github translation (besides the 67 contributors)? If not then in no way should someone be given special treatment for finding out about a game sooner than others. If 8000 people want something, (give or take on the fake accounts) then 8000 people want something. They deserve it as much as the next person, no matter how much time theyā€™ve spent here.
The developers will burn bridges if they start implementing things like this.


The only one who got spare keys are the translators which seems pretty fair to me, considering the amount of work they do with the language translations. If you were not choosen, maybe you will in the next CB. Maybe you will stay a CB Tester even in the next phase, so chances are even more people will get tin. So please dont be salty over this

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stop whiningā€¦ for us those had the beta key, we stay calm and enjoy see other whining :wink:

I donā€™t think thatā€™s the case. 5,000 testers is a tad generous just for CBT, besides the start up for the game is this Aug 3rd, so chill. You can wait for next week.

I think all of this is taken into consideration and itā€™s probably not a problem. Relax :smiley: