Tree of Savior Forum

Solutions to fix the beta key distribution problem

well…i guess everyone hoping for a key is wishing to ‘test’ if the game is good/fun/matching the expectation.

What do you mean, test? I thought this was just like early-access so I can completely miss the point of beta-testing and have fun?

But you are absolutely correct, the point is to get game tested, find bugs, give feedback to devs, not satiate your addiction and nostalgia.

Honestly, I’m glad there are hardcore videogame enthusiasts making multiple accounts to get in, so the game will be REALLY hard in final version.


its kinda silly to buy a key…its only 7 days! :dizzy_face:

beta testers will be beaters like kirito becuz they know all the maps and quests soon :triumph:
hahhaha joking

People in these same forums bought accounts just to try the korean beta. What makes you think people wouldn’t buy a key for the international one?
As long as people are willing to pay, there is a market for everything.

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Beta isn’t about playing or get in game first, Everyone should help testing and report bug.
And person who help translated already got 100% guaranteed keys. That’s really fair for people who helping.

But how giving key to everyone who registered before beta announcement solve problem?
Not everyone who newly register are multiple accounts.
The same goes to old accounts. It could have a multiple accounts in old account list, old account register new one after beta announce, new account register new one, etc.

Solution 1. is only push problem to everyone else who didn’t register early.
IMC didn’t even tell or hint anyone that they’ll doing this kind of raffle method.
No one can know they should or shouldn’t register early. Especially when there’s no register without link account to FB, Gmail and Steam.
Or some like me who wait for steam register and thought it will working once launch but it doesn’t.

If you want to go with solution 1. then let them give keys to all early register members.
But make 5000 keys exclude from those giving keys. So it’ll still be 5000 keys raffle for all new members.
Because no matter how long it’ll be. New accounts will keep raising either they’re real or fake accounts. you just push all of new members in to pool of those accounts with 3000 keys left as raffle
While all early register members have float up to sky with 100% guaranteed keys. (even you gonna force to do thing in 2.)

I’d suggest if anyone really like ‘first come first serve’ method.
Then let all of us register on same day/times.

Please note that what I suggest won’t help solve multiple accounts problem.
Because some people will try to do anything to get keys.
The same goes to solutions in this thread. because all I see is a solutions to guarantees yourself a key while you have advantage of ‘early register’.
If there’s something that really need to fix, Then it’s how to exclude multiple accounts maker, not a newly register.

In the end it’s all up to IMC. Either change or not change raffle, add more method, giving more keys, etc.
It’s still beta launch and all they need now is people to test, give feedback and report bug.


totaly agree with this post

well. nexion account is permanent… you can use it for future… but the beta code is just one time…
but well if its cheap enough i think people are willing to pay… not me hahaha

“fix” I guess people see here more a problem than it is.

Now I agree with this.

Random distribution if kinda unfair to those who were here waiting for something before those new users registration wave.

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Option 3 = no. What’s to stop anyone with a single IP from doing 3 sign ups just to sell 2 extra keys?

How can you know that all those new users didn’t wait as long as you did? :confused:
There’s no way you could tell how long they have been wait, care or love game from just a register date on site.

“I liked ToS before it was even popular.”


Nope, the ultimate and best solution would be to expand the testing group by 10-20 k of users. So everyone can play.

Maybe they need to rebalance the servers for this, but they could do it, if they really wanted.

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This is the first Eng CB - just wait and they will release more spots for CB 2 etc

I have to make a switch, I really want to play this game , to me would be the new ragnarok

who will win?

1 roman soldier or 200 marine corps?

I have to disagree with the suggested solution. Just because you registered AFTER the announcement makes you LESS of a priority as a hopeful player of ToS. It also doesn’t mean that just because you are an OLD member makes you any better than the NEW members. Also, just because you are not a registered member doesn’t mean you don’t frequent the site to check for news or updates. Makes sense? If this is the kind of thinking that perpetuates here, then ToS community is not that friendly after all.


I couldn’t agree more

You are assuming that you are here for longer than those haven’t registered. What if they have been following the news for longer than you, like the members on reddit, for example?

Also, 25% chance to get a beta key is a whole lot better than most of beta distribution out there.