Tree of Savior Forum

[SOLUTIONS] For Launcher Bugs/Problems (For future reference)

In my case the bug with launcher is that it stuck in the left top corner of screen and I’m not able to move it. I’m lucky that START button is at visible part, 4k resolution (3840x2160), nvidia gtx 980.

I can’t seem to connect to the server. is it because of my Internet or something else?

My Laucher wont start. On Steam, Preparing to lauch Tree of Savior and nothing happen. Pls help!

someone help me!


@brunomeba, I’ve heard of this being a firewall issue. Try completely disabling your firewall and trying it (if that works, re-enable your firewall and just add an exception for ToS).

Edit: here is someone’s detailed steps for how they solved your problem (with slightly more steps than may actually be necessary):

How about this error? :C


@ejvillalobospeji, this is what your error actually says:

ETC_20150317_001454 The graphics card or hardware does not support hardware acceleration. {nl} Please check the acceleration compatibility.

Hmm… oready try run as admin ,antivirus firewall and the verifying part…
does that mean the IP is blocked/

I reinstalled steam and tree of savior and run as admin without any farewell or antivirus and the same problem happens


That’s my problem right now. Care to help solve it?

what about “recv invalid packet”?

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Due to an error, the client will be closed.{nl}We apologize for the inconvenience.{nl}When you press [Yes] at the bottom of the screen, the details of the error will be sent to the developer.{nl}{nl}??The information that will be sent : Error Code, CPU, VGA, Memory Driver Information


So… I just have to wait it out?

how to check acceleration compatibility?

i have the same problem…

same problem. any fixes?

Same error. Notebook Windows 10 64 bits, 16 GB RAM, Intel i5 4200 U quad 1.6-2.3 GHz, ATI Radeon HD 8850M, DirectX 11:

I tried compatibility modes in Steam but nothing solved. But i sucessfully logged 2 times. I think the server is overloaded.

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ETC_20120918_014643 is strange. One time its occur other dont… So its not problem with my hardware if it let me play.

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ETC_20120918_014643 is a generic error, I think it may be happening due to the number of users trying to connect.

Servers successfully stress tested? Good job, boys.